You Have To See This Metal Gear Cosplay

Cosplayers from around the world strive for perfection when it comes to the exact replication of their favorite pop culture characters. With the September 1, 2015 release date of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain quickly approaching, fans from around the world are ready to take on the newest installment in the Metal Gear Solid series.

One man has taken cosplay to an extraordinary level with this incredible fully functional Raiden armor from Metal Gear Rising…

Metal Gear
Follow @MIzunoHadouken on Twitter

This dedicated cosplayer, Andrew, has a Youtube Channel where he shares cosplay and fitness tutorial videos. He even authors a cosplay, fitness, Japanese culture blog.

Another popular internet cosplay sensation, Lia aka @sssniperwolf, has cosplayed “Quiet” from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Metal Gear
“Quiet” ©Konami
Metal Gear

Lia also has a Youtube Channel in addition to a clothing line, and has earned a huge fan base.

Remember Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater? Well so does Omi Gibson, the cosplayer who has some incredible images as The Boss from MGS3.

Omi Gibson as “The Boss”

With so many amazing characters to choose from in the series, it’s great to see all this cosplay bringing them to life. Cosplay certainly adds another dimension to what can be reimagined with each character, and the results are certainly impressive.

What characters are you most looking forward to seeing in the upcoming installment? Who would you cosplay if you could choose any character?

Share your thoughts in the comments below. Also check out some of the new MGS5 gameplay below from this year’s E3.

Andrew Dubats
Andrew Dubats
Digital media producer and writer who often travels to places with sun and palm trees. He also happens to live in a place with sun and palm trees which reduces travel costs.

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