X OF SWORDS Aftermath: A Call to Mom and Dad Sets the Finale in Motion in CABLE #6

X of Swords has been a little slower as an event than I’d like, but this issue sets things in motion for the final three issues.

Cable loses to Bei the Blood Moon in a battle to the death because of a moment’s hesitation. Still, thankfully, Cypher intercedes on his behalf, and Saturnyne accepts a death of Cable’s fighting spirit in place of bodily death.

Gorgon’s fight with the White Sword follows, with the former having to face the latter’s one hundred swords, thirteen of whom he kills before falling himself. This makes the score 19-19. Where Krakoa had fallen catastrophically behind, they find themselves tied with Arakko. Perhaps it’s here where we see Saturnyne rigging the contest to put Krakoa back on equal ground.

Back to Cable, we know he is one of the pieces Saturnyne has been moving from all the way back in X of Swords: Creation.

We know that Saturnyne showed Cable an image of the Bridge, an inter-dimensional transport device, located on the Peak, former headquarters of S.W.O.R.D. Powering up this device holds the key to opening a portal and releasing the deadly Vescora, a virus that infects and consumes entire realities. At the end of Creation, Saturnyne commented to Monet about facing their enemy and drawing their sword, with her words juxtaposed with the former S.W.O.R.D. Base.

In Cable #6, when Nathan communicates with his parents, Saturnyne cuts off their link. Nevertheless, it’s enough to set Scott and Jean in motion, and given what we know of the finale by this point, this leads them, ultimately, to raise. Their. SWORD.

And (minor spoiler), thanks to the finale, we know that this is exactly what Saturnyne wanted.

Cable #6 is available now!

Matthew Brake
Matthew Brakehttps://www.popularcultureandtheology.com
Matthew Brake is the series editor for the book series Theology and Pop Culture from Lexington Books. He is also the co-editor of the forthcoming Religion and Comics series from Claremont Press. He holds degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies and Philosophy from George Mason University. He also writes for Sequart and the Blackwell Popular Culture and Philosophy blog.

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