Wizard World Philadelphia Celebrates Women Of Pop Culture

This past weekend at the Philadelphia Convention Center, Wizard World held their annual comic-con celebration. Among a fabulous collection of pop culture icons for our beloved nerd community to celebrate were Charisma Carpenter and Holly Marie Combs. Between Charmed, Buffy, and Angel, these two ladies had plenty of insight to share about the importance and influence of women in pop culture.

Carpenter and Combs spoke about their experiences in Hollywood during the turn of the century. Having been in prominent roles on shows that gave the spotlight to strong female characters, the audience was filled with women of all ages hungry for their wisdom. A majority of their time on stage was a wonderful Q&A with their fans.

When asked about young women entering the world of film now, Holly Marie Combs said “If you want to write, write nonstop. If you want to direct, make a ton of short films. If you want to act, don’t be an extra.”

The two didn’t give the typical, fluffy answers for those looking for inspiration in their pursuit of stardom. They were honest with their answers and the audience appreciated hearing real answers. Carpenter told us that she was inspired by the women in her life that were strong, rather than those on television. Combs shared that sentiment but also added “and Charlie’s Angels of course.”

One fan asked what had happened to the world they were at the forefront of where powerful women were leading the way on television. “I don’t think it ended, I think we’re in another important period of change and evolution right now,” said Carpenter. “There was a bit of a step backward for a bit in the late-2000’s, but that’s in the rear view mirror.”

Things got heated for a moment when Combs was asked about the Charmed reboot in the works. They weren’t allowed to share anything specific that they knew, but they were both very clear about their displeasure with the new series. “Recasting and starting over with a new cast, it isn’t a continuation, it’s discrediting what came before,” Carpenter said sternly into her microphone. “You understand why we wouldn’t be happy about that, right?”

Carpenter and Combs were delightful together, clearly maintaining a friendship after all these years. It was a great idea for a panel, these two Charmed superstars didn’t waste an opportunity to address the future leading ladies in the audience.

Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffinhttps://twitter.com/griffunk
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk

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