What Do Iggy Pop & Josh Hommes Have in Common? A Collaboration!

Holy Moses! Iggy Pop and Josh Hommes, you might know him as the front-man for the AWESOME bands the Queens of the Stone Age and Kyuss, are in the midst of a wonderful collaboration! What, what??

Many of you, I know I am, are still reeling from the recent deaths of David Bowie and, most recently, Glenn Frey – but there is a glimmer in this darkness. It would seem that music fans may have something to look forward to and that is…NEW MUSIC from Iggy Pop! And, to sweeten this deal he’s collaborating with Josh Hommes? YAAASSS!

Pop and Homme

If you don’t know who Iggy Pop is, and you fancy yourself a music fan, then you should reevaluate that idea. But, if for some reason you have been living under a rock and just don’t know, in his own right, he a shinning example of non-conformity, anarchy, and punk rock all spun into a wiry, heroine chic physiqued, chaotic masterpiece. HE, is the Godfather of Punk Rock.

So, in this our winter of discontent let there be light.

This secret project, Post Pop Depression, is a collection of songs co-written and recorded by Pop and Hommes. The album was recorded independently, there were no record execs to answer and this seems to be just what the doctor ordered. Not being beholden to the record industry ‘machine’ allows some artist to create their art without worrying about whether it will be a commercial success. The absence of the influence a record label could prove to be a very good thing for this project.

D Bowie and I Pop

The first single from this new offering is, Gardenia. The beginning  strains of this song makes you think if Bowie. It just has that sound about it. You can definitely hear his influence in the song, which shouldn’t be a surprise since in the 1970s the two – Bowie and Iggy Pop – collaborated together in Berlin. Mr. Bowie helped Mr. Pop write and produce the albums, “The Idiot” and “Lust for Life.” China Girl, Tonight, and Sister Midnight were also products of their musical partnership and friendship.

Iggy Pop has said of his friendship with Bowie, that he saved him from personal and professional ruin and that he resurrected him. Perhaps this new project Hommes will stand to do much of the same. It will fuel the rock god into further rebirth.

Check it out!

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DngIWkQVPgU[/embedyt]

Khuwailah Beyah
Khuwailah Beyah
Khuwailah "Cookie" Beyah hails from North Carolina. She is a pop culture nut and loves all things Nathan Fillion. Ms. Beyah has a passion for the macabre and the horror genre. She serves on the "Nevermore Film Festival" selection committee in Durham, NC and attends several comic and horror conventions each year. She holds an MA from Duke University, but is a dyed in the wool North Carolina Tar Heel fan! She also enjoys writing and reading creative non-fiction.

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