WATCH: Eli Roth Shares a New, Gruesome Grindhouse Trailer for DEATH WISH and Oh Boy…

Eli Roth is still going through with this whole Death Wish remake. In fact the new iteration, starring Bruce Willis (also Dean Norris, who isn’t playing his brother so why even) will be here in less than a month.

To ramp up… excitement?… for his new #problematic revenge flick, Roth released a new red-band trailer in the fashion of the old grind house flicks of the 70s. Let’s see if it does anything to make this look betOH MY GOD:

I’m torn on this one. On one hand, I want to see Bruce Willis play a character who is awake at least one more time before he disappears forever, and he at least seems to be playing to the cheap seats here. On the other hand, Eli Roth hasn’t made a good movie in (checks Roth’s IMDb page)… Eli Roth hasn’t made a good movie. So there’s that.

As for the whole issue about this new Death Wish not reading the room or whatever, don’t see it if it offends you. Simple as that. Not everything has to go through a checklist of sociopolitical elements to exist. Just skip it.

Aside from Willis, the new Death Wish stars the aforementioned thicker-Bruce-Willis, Dean Norris, Elisabeth Shue, and Vincent D’Onofrio among other recognizable character actors. It will be here March 2, and probably on VOD let’s say a month later.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.

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