Underrated Anime: Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru

Sitting at the wayside for most mystery anime, Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru is rarely heard of. With Detective Conan stealing all the mystery spotlight for many years, anything that lasts less than a season tends to fall short. While this may be the case for Sakurako-san, the anime does have its highlights and is well worth watching. If you can get past the repetitive scene where Sakurakouses her “intelligence”, you will have a good time.

Sakurako-san Summary

Upon meeting Sakurako-san, Shoutarou knew that his life would change for better or worse. Sakurako Kujou has a fascinating, yet strange hobby/profession. With an obsession with bones, she is an Osteologist, studier of bones. Although she has a dislike of interpersonal relationships she takes Shoutarou as something like an apprentice. Thanks to this Shoutarou and Sakurako are bound by fate and begin their adventures together. During their adventures, they have a habit of finding human remains as well.

Kadokawa Delivers

Sakurako-san, produced by Kadokawa, delivers in almost every regard. Starting from a compelling episodic plot to artwork that does an anime series proud. With interesting mysteries that aren’t overly complex. Instead, it lends to reality more than other shows. At the same time, the imperfections in its characters are what makes the anime. Sakurako-san despite being considered a beauty shows her flaws through emotions and character interactions. While not everything is completely believable, it brings it that much closer to reality.


Sakurako-san is unfortunately 12 episodes long and because of this, it may leave you longing for more. However, in these twelve episodes, you can associate with the characters a fair amount, leaving the viewer satisfied. With this in mind, I highly recommend this to anyone with a bit of free time. Enjoy a bit of a mystery and decent story to boot.

David Harada
David Harada
A weeb in hiding by day, an avid Manchester United supporter by night. Living on both sides of the coin, David has graduated with a Liberal Arts Degree in Philosophy and Writing from Soka University of America. With a strong background in Japanese culture and being able to speak the language to boot, this man straddles the line between full-time nerd and sideline athlete. To him, as long as it is interesting he will watch it!

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