HomeTRAILER: KID WHO WOULD BE KING Pits The Forces Of Evil Versus...

TRAILER: KID WHO WOULD BE KING Pits The Forces Of Evil Versus Kids


The Kid Who Would Be King stars Louis Serkis as Alex, a typical nerd who gets beat up from time to time who happens upon a special sword that goes by the name of Excalibur. Pulling the sword out unleashes what looks to be a wild, medieval fantasy ride through our modern-day world. The Kid Who Would Be King and the hordes of evil arrives in theaters in 2019.


About The Kid Who Would Be King

Official Description: A band of kids embark on an epic quest to thwart a medieval menace.

The film comes from writer/director Joe Cornish who wore these two hats once before back in 2011 to make the scifi-comedy Attack the Block. Along for the fantasy adventure is Patrick Stewart who plays the legendary wizard, Merlin. Our modern-day Arthur, called Alex, might look familiar. Actor Louis Serkis is the son of the one and only Andy Serkis. Alex isn’t alone in his crusade against evil, as he has a trusted group of fellow teenage heroes and there’s even a round table.


The Kid Who Would Be King features a cast that includes …

Louis Serkis as Alex
Dean Chaumoo as Bedders
Tom Taylor as Lance
Rhianna Doris as Kaye
Patrick Stewart as Merlin
Angus Imrie as young Merlin
Rebecca Ferguson as Morgana
Denise Gough as Alex’s mother


The trailer for The Kid Who Would Be King looks like a fun mix of Harry Potter and Dungeons and Dragons. The burrito that wraps this flavorful mix is the King Arthur mythology which is severely underutilized in this age of endless reboots and remakes. And who can say no to Patrick Stewart in any role, let alone one of the most iconic fantasy characters of all time?


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Ruben Diaz
Ruben Diaz
Writer, film-fanatic, geek, gamer, info junkie & consummate Devil's advocate who has been fascinated by Earth since 1976. Classically trained in the ways of the future.