Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse is a new animated film from producer Phil Lord and Chris Miller with super-slick visuals that instantly set hype levels through the roof. The trailer features a diverse cast of Spider-people (and non-people?) in a dimension-mixing narrative. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse is set for a theatrical release on December 14, 2018.


About Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

Official Description: Spider-Man crosses parallel dimensions and teams up with the Spider-Men of those dimensions to stop a threat to all reality.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse comes from a story by Phil Lord who also wrote the screenplay with Rodney Rothman. Lord and his producer partner Miller were most recently in the headlines for being canned by Disney before finishing their version of the Han Solo movie. Into the Spider-verse seems to be right up their alley. The duo are at their best when presenting stories with a great sense of energy and humor. From the looks of the trailer, it seems they’ve found a warm and cozy home in the Spider-verse.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse features a cast that includes …

Shameik Moore as Miles Morales/Spider-Man
Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen
Mahershala Ali as Aaron Davis/Prowler
Jake Johnson as Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Liev Schreiber as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin
Brian Tyree Henry as Jefferson Davis
Luna Lauren Velez as Rio Morales
Lily Tomlin as May Parker


Spider-man and his cast of variations all share a whip-smart sense of humor that fits in nicely with today’s mainstream storytelling style. The kind of campy one-liners I call Whedonisms, after Joss Whedon, that permeates most mass market storytelling is what made Spider-man such a unique character for so long. Lord and Miller show great skill with the kind of humor Spider-man requires and the kind of action a story about people with superhuman, spider-like powers demands. Also, as you can see below, the greatest of all Spider-people, Spider-Ham, aka Peter Porker, will also be involved.


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