Tilda Swinton Favorite to be Next Time Lord on Doctor Who

According to an article posted on Metro, the next titular Time Lord on Doctor Who may just be fan favorite Tilda Swinton. Fans have been hoping for a female or ginger Doctor since the announcement that Matt Smith was leaving the show. With Peter Capaldi’s announcement that this series would be his last, those hopes have been revived.

Ladbrokes currently has Swinton at 7/2 odds, up from the previous 10/1 odds. Doctor Who actor Paul McGann has supported the idea of Ms. Swinton as Capaldi’s replacement.  The question begs: Is it time for a female Doctor?

For the last several years, Doctor Who has encountered a “woman problem.” The current run has been criticized for using women as nothing more than flirtatious window dressing. Clara’s character never clearly manifested in a way that connected with fans. Her storylines were discombobulated and her personal history continually felt chaotic.

When Smith left, many fans jumped on board asking for a female, but the narrative at that point did not seem to fit a new gender iteration of the traditional hero. At the time, however, the plot did not lend itself to a female. Smith’s romantic flirtations with Clara and her feelings for him clouded 12’s regeneration.

Capaldi’s run, however, has been criticized for providing a less than empathetic rendering of the character. Many have attributed the problems to Moffat as show runner, while others have argued that Capaldi’s matured age is at fault. Regardless of the reason, the stiff, often emotionally disconnected Doctor has repeatedly been a problem for fans.

A female Doctor might be just the answer to revive the franchise in the eyes of the newer, modern fans. With Missy being such a fan favorite, it’s clear that a woman can bring a new perspective to Time Lord mythos. Bringing in the right female who can balance emotional maturity with the sense of weariness that we’ve been seeing in the current iterations might be an excellent way to bridge the gap that’s been forming slowly between fans and their favorite dual hearted alien.

If the Doctor is regenerated as a woman, who would be your pick?

Karen Walsh
Karen Walsh
Karen Walsh is a part time, extended contract, first year writing instructor at the University of Hartford. In other words, she's SuperAdjunct, complete with capes and Jedi robe worn during grading. When Karen isn't teaching, she is a freelance writer who works for a variety of marketing clients focusing on a variety of topics, including InfoSec and parenting. Her geeky and parenting writing can be found at GeekMom. She works in order to support knitting, comics, tattoo, and museum membership addictions. She has one dog, one husband, and one son who all live with her just outside of Hartford, CT. She can be reached on Twitter: @kvonhard and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeekyKaren/

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