Monkeys Fighting Robots

Another year, another great convention — Superon — will open its doors in Florida. Not only is Supercon another great convention, but it is also THE great convention in the area. What San Diego is to California, Supercon is to South Florida. The convention celebrates all things pop culture with a plethora of all the things people love about cons.

“It is one of my greatest joys that I am able to provide
experiences that help people make a lifetime of memories.”
– Mike Broder, Supercon Founder

All four days of Supercon will feature panels about all things geek, from film to TV. One panel this year will discuss the most polarizing geek film in recent memory — Star Wars: The Last Jedi. What sort of nerd sparks will fly when hosts Freddy and Alyssa, aka the Metanerdz talk about the film that introduced Space-flying Leia and made subversion in and of itself something to behold. Additional panels include the likes of William Shatner talking Star Trek and a Q&A with Judith Hoag who played April O’Neil in the original Ninja Turtles movie. There’s practically a panel for everything making Supercon a perfect blend of fun and informative.

We’ll have to wait until Disney owns everything.

Voices from the animated, podcast, and video game world take seats alongside wrestling legends, TV and film stars as well. There was a time when cons were about one specific topic, say Star Trek, but that’s a thing of the distant past. Supercon, like all great cons around the world, will bring together John Barrowman the Dark Archer of Arrow with Luke Cage himself, Mike Colter. The combination of guests will undoubtedly spark many fan-fiction battles.

DC and Marvel TV universes not interesting enough for you? Perhaps wrestling superstars will be the flame that draws the proverbial moth. Legends Jerry “the King” Lawler, Gangrel, Shawn Michaels and Trish Stratus, will be electrifying the crowds. But they are just a few of the wrestling stars appearing at Supercon. The sheer amounts of wrestling talent at Supercon begs for an epic, live, crossover event. We’ll have to wait until Disney owns everything.

Comic books and More!

Of course, you don’t get to Supercon’s super-status as a convention without guests from the comic book world. Recent blockbuster film Infinity War started off as Infinity Gauntlet created by Jim Starlin who will be at Supercon. Additionally, guests from the comic book world include the likes of Howard Chaykin Jeff Dekal. Greg Horn, and local indie darling publishers Creature Entertainment.

Cosplay plays a vital role at geek conventions like Supercon. Events featuring the best pro and amateur cosplayers will occur throughout the four-day festivities. The convention schedule includes a kids competition, a runway costume contest, a performance costume and even a “late night” costume contest.

Want merch? That’ll be there.

Looking for one-of-a-kind commissioned art? It’s there too.

Video games, gaming, collectibles, photo ops … you get the picture.
It’ll be at Supercon. 

Check out the entire convention schedule here and get down
to Broward County July 12-15 to experience an epic convention.