Supercon, South Florida, And The Convention As A Playground For The Imagination

As San Diego Comi-Con comes to a close, fly with Monkeys Fighting Robots and the culture of geekdom across the U.S. to the Magic City for Florida’s Supercon. The little convention that could holds a special place in the hearts of South Floridians. From a small hotel event space to filling a 190,000 square foot convention center, the con has grown with the support of locals and the experience of a life-long geek in Mike S. Broder. Today, it’s a premier pop culture convention hosting more than 50,000 attendees and featuring over 750 hours of programming that includes celebrity Q&As, costume contests, fan panels, workshops, and more.

Supercon 2017 gets underway on July 27th-30th.

Early vendors such as indie comic book publishers Cosmic Times and Creature Entertainment are mainstays, keeping that local flair alive and well. As the con grows to encompass more guests from all around the world, it combines the vibrant nature of South Florida with all the geekdom fun any convention goer could want. For proof of the exciting vibe of Supercon, look no further than Jason Mamoa’s 2014 appearance.


Like all great conventions, Supercon opens up a treasure trove of celebrities from geekdom. Supercon is bringing together cast members and fans from Star Trek, Doctor Who, wrestling (Ric Flair, WOO!), and a whole lot more. If you think about it, a convention is like a super-epic-meta-crossover of shows. Tony Todd from Star Trek, The Flash (Zoom’s voice) will be hanging out with the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Imagine The Doctor on a quest to stop time-traveling super-speedster Zoom. Or maybe you’d like to imagine the Six Million Dollar Man versus the Karate Kid? Both actors will be there! Supercon features Wrestling stars from then and now, side-by-side, immediately conjures up the thought of legendary battles between them.

Art imitates life which imitates art to create even more art and a vibrant evolution of life. Maybe I’m getting a little too heady here, but conventions like Supercon are playgrounds for fantasy and the imagination.

Supercon 2017 gets underway on July 27th-30th. Expect more to come because Monkeys Fighting Robots will be there!

Ruben Diaz
Ruben Diaz
Writer, film-fanatic, geek, gamer, info junkie & consummate Devil's advocate who has been fascinated by Earth since 1976. Classically trained in the ways of the future.

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