‘Suicide Squad vs Dawn Of Justice’ – Who Comes Out On Top?

In the battle of good vs evil, Suicide Squad vs Dawn of Justice is fighting to get people’s attention, and so far for me there is one clear winner: Suicide Squad.

Ever since we saw that Batman vs Superman would have the subtitle Dawn of Justice, fans were split in their opinion of the movie. This was before they had even seen any footage. This was only made worse when they released what characters would be included. It felt like they were trying to shoehorn characters into the film, which didn’t need to happen as they had two of the biggest heroes in the world going head to head. The consensus was, why not take their time like Marvel did with Avengers, so that people could get used to the lesser known characters?

Suicide Squad hasn’t had the easiest ride either. For this film they also had questions asked about the casting of certain parts. Namely Will Smith as Deadshot and Jared Leto as The Joker.

Both sides managed to please fans when they got a first look at The Joker and Batman.

The JokerBatman

Although I think The Joker takes round one here.

In round two we pit the trailers for the two heavyweights together. Both put up a good fight and had trailers designed to give the fans exactly what they want. We get a good look at both films, some may say too much of a look when it comes to certain aspects. In an age where everyone seems to want to know as much about the story as possible, I think Suicide Squad yet again takes that round. You get to have a look at almost all the characters in just under three minutes, without any major plot points being given away. Whereas with Dawn of Justice, they let a very big and ugly cat right out of the bag, which for me, was a bit of a let down. Suicide Squad takes round two for me, but I’ll let you make your own minds up below.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLLQK9la6Go[/embedyt]

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yViIi3gie2c[/embedyt]

The last round actually took place today when some concept art for Dawn of Justice was released. It gave us a good look at six of the members of the Justice League. They are Aquaman, Cyborg, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and The Flash, with room for one more possible entry. Everyone has their fingers crossed for the Green Lantern being included. The buzz about the picture was generally favourable until this picture was released.

Suicide Squad

This for me is the TKO in an extremely one-sided bout. When you add this to the character poster tweeted by director David Ayer and its no contest.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released on March 25th, so will hopefully get to make the all-important first impression. Suicide Squad has an August 5th release date,  which gives enough time between them for an equal chance to impress the audiences.

Which one do you think will be the winner once the dust settles?

I know who I have my money on.

That’s all for now.

See you soon.


Lee Westney
Lee Westney
I am a 36 year old man child who has vey serious addiction to film/TV/comics and superheroes. I live in sunny Bristol with my wife who has just about come to terms with how big a nerd I am and my 2 kids. I love having a good old natter about all things geeky related so please feel free to get in touch with theories you may have or any bits of info. But!! Please no spoilers!

What do you think?
