Suggestions For CBS’ ‘Supergirl’ Season 2

CBS’ ‘Supergirl’ has had a good solid freshman year. The show has some kinks but it seems to realize that and has been working on them. All in all, it’s nice to watch another superhero on TV who actually enjoys being a superhero and truly wants to make the world a better place.

Despite Kara’s physical and mental strength she still deals with the angst of being and alien on Earth who unlike her famous cousin remembers her home planet and those she lost. Melissa Benoist does a fantastic job making you love and feel for the character. Hopefully, no matter what the fate of the show, Benoist will be nominated for an Emmy. While ‘Supergirl’ isn’t assured of a second season yet, CBS has hinted on a pickup. Currently, the show is getting around a 1.7 with that cherished 18-48 demographic. That makes ‘Supergirl’ CBS’s second-highest rated new show. The signs look promising for the second season.

Here are a few suggestions for that season:

Supergirl Season 1, Episode 15, Solitude

Figure out what to do with Jimmy Olsen

Is he a love interest for Kara or not? After the now forgotten kiss, he appears to be. Let’s avoid the Cheers “Sam and Diana” will they or won’t they tension. Flash did that with Iris and Barry; it grows old fast. Pick a role and stick with it.

Arrow / Supergirl cross-over

Or dare we ask, bring Flash back? This time, maybe have the girl of steel visit their Earth? Though that might be trickier to do having CW sets on a CBS show. Whatever the case, it would be wonderful to have Kara interact with these characters from this slightly different Earth. Her dynamic with Barry was a joy to watch.

Bring in Power Girl

Maxwell Lord has already tried and failed to clone Supergirl once. He’s not the type of guy to accept failure. A more functional clone: i.e. Power Girl would appear to be the next logical step. (Anyone know why Supergirl is one word and Power Girl two?)

Speaking of Maxwell Lord, is he a good guy, a bad guy or something in between? He’s been inconsistent this season. Sometimes he wants to outright stop Supergirl or control a super being. On other occasions, he helps out as only a rich genius can. The writing team needs to figure out his place in the world. This Earth already has Lex Luthor, don’t believe they need another one.

Two words: Green Lantern

Supergirl is constantly dealing with powerful aliens the Green Lantern and the Lantern Corps seem like a logical superhero to add. A much better match than with its sister CW shows. Having Green Lantern, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter flying through the sky would fill many a comic geek’s heart with glee.

With Cadmus in existence, it seems only natural for Lucy Lane to become Superwoman. This could make an interesting twist on Kara and Lucy’s friendly rivalry. Cadmus converting James Harper into the shield wielding Guardian would appear to be something well within their grasp.

For possible foes: Mister Mxyzptik or his wife and better half Ms. Gzptisnz. Either of these two (or perhaps the dual) would be formidable and interesting opponents. Gzptisnz having a crush on Jimmy, perhaps? As powerful as Kara is she is vulnerable to magic. Going up against either of these two would force her to rely on her wits. Since we don’t know what happened to the real Hank Henshaw, in theory, he is alive and could show up in season 2 as Cyborg Superman. Of course in this world, he might be more of a Martian Manhunter hater with J’onn being very responsible for his “death”.

CBS Supergirl

One of the biggest missteps this season was having Cat figure out that Kara is Supergirl and then tricking her into thinking she was wrong. Cat has been in many ways a mentor to Supergirl. She should be a full-fledged member of the team. Actually, it’s quite possible Cat knows but isn’t letting on.

So what would you like to see in season 2?

John Zakour
John Zakour
John Zakour is a humor / sf/ fantasy writer with a Master's degree in Human Behavior. He has written thousands of gags for syndicated comics, comedians and TV shows (including: Rugrats, The tonight show and, Joan River's old TV show.) John has written seven humorous SF novels for Daw books (the first The Plutonium Blonde was named the funniest SF book of 2001 by The Chronicle of Science Fiction). John has also written three YA books, four humorous self-help books and three books on HTML. John has also optioned two TV shows and three movies. John currently writes his own syndicated comics, Working Daze and Maria’s Day for Universal Press and has a regular following with over 100,000 readers. John currently writes Bart Simpsons comics for Bongo comics. Spacerun, a video game John wrote the story to recently passed 100,000 sales. In the 80s and 90s John was a computer programmer and web guru for Cornell University and was also an EMT and judo instructor.

What do you think?
