STRANGER THINGS: INTO THE FIRE #1, out January 8th from Dark Horse comics, is a dramatic start to yet another tale from the Stranger Things universe. If you felt like the story of the original test subjects wasn’t over, you won’t be disappointed with what is about to begin here.

Stranger Things: Into the Fire is the perfect series for fans who enjoyed the last series (Stranger Things: SIX). Set several years after those events, we’re following the lives of the text subjects that were around before Eleven was born.
After the conclusion of SIX fans might have found themselves wondering what happened to the two subjects who escaped: Ricky and Marcie. Well, you need not wonder anymore, for Into the Fire is about to explore their ensuing adventures.

The Plot
Stranger Things: Into the Fire has what is perhaps one of the best openings of any of the Stranger Things graphic novels to date. It’s interesting and dramatic, and more than a little bit disturbing and somber. In short, it’s perfect. And it did its job well; readers will be immediately pulled into the plot, wondering what is going on with this strange and lonely girl.
This latest series was written by Jody Houser, who clearly has been enjoying the world of Stranger Things. No complaints here. We personally love the journeys she’s been taking us on. We have no doubt that this story will be just as fascinating.
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1 has a lot happening within the pages. There are so many reveals, alongside surprising cameos and appearances. It’s a lot to take in. The best thing about this issue is how Houser has connected characters from past comics with characters from the Netflix series (you’ll see who we mean). It’s just the right balance – while also providing us with an opportunity we’ve been hoping for.

The Art
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1 will feel right at home with the rest of the franchise. The retro style and tones are the perfect touch. But that didn’t stop the creative team from experimenting a bit, here and there.
There are so many different scenes portrayed within these pages. There’s that introduction, which all alone is compelling enough to get us to read more. Then we have to consider the other settings, such as time (at least two different points, shown in this single issue) and location (again, several different areas are shown).
Given the large creative team involved, it’s really no surprise that they were able to pull off so much in such a short period of time. Ryan Kelly (pencils), Le Beau Underwood (ink), Triona Farrell (colors), and Nate Piekos of Blambot (letterer) all worked together to bring Houser’s story to life.

In Conclusion
Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1 was a dramatic beginning to this series. Already we’re invested in what will happen next, while also being just a little bit curious and unsure. It’s the perfect balance for this franchise when you think about it. Fans of the world will want to make a point of checking out this series – though they should probably only do so if they’re up to date with the last graphic novel series as well.