Steppenwolf As ‘Justice League’ Villain? Count Me In!

This Creature Might Be The Villain For 2017’s ‘Justice League’.

Admittedly, this article may be a love letter to DC and the Extended Universe they’re creating but dammit, it excites me. The latest bit of news to come from the movie rumor mill is that 2017’s ‘Justice League‘ film will feature Steppenwolf as the villain and not Darkseid as everyone suspected.

The Internet was filled with their usual disgust. It was mostly complaints about the rumored villain being too minor for such a big film. While I would have loved to see someone like Brainiac or even the big bad Darkseid in the film, this seems like the creators are thinking about a long-term story. The Steppenwolf character could be the perfect way to ween the public into the chaos that is all things Apokolips.

Justice League

Let me catch you up with the story before the film version gets a chance. Apokolips is the home of major DC villains like Steppenwolf and Darkseid. It’s a hellish planet where you’re basically raised a violent psycho monster. Darkseid rules the planet with an iron-fist and has no problem with military-style invasions of weaker planets. His uncle and high-ranking officer Steppenwolf is another savage Apokoliptian.

Now the online rumors suggest that 30,000 years ago, there was a battle on Earth where Steppenwolf was defeated by Earth’s heroes but left three “mother boxes“.

Basically, mother boxes are like small doors to Apokolips.

DC Extended Universe has already shown one mother box in ‘Batman v. Superman’ when Wonder Woman sees footage of one taking over the body of a young man named Victor Stone. I believe that Aquaman has a mother box in his possession as rumors have stated that Atlanteans fought against Steppenwolf 30,000 years ago.

We may have also already seen Steppenwolf. A deleted scene from ‘Batman v. Superman’ on Youtube released by Warner Bros. shows Lex Luthor talking with a creature who is showing him three boxes. Let’s not forget that cryptic dream sequence in the film where we saw Darkseid’s infamous Omega symbol.

All of this is deeply rooted in comic source material but attempts to create a fresh cinematic take on the story. I remember seeing a plot similar to this in a DC Animation movie called ‘Justice League: War’ but this stretches that story over what could be a few films. While many think the team at DC is rushing to catch up to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I believe they are taking a natural course. They are only trying to catch up with themselves as the DC Universe has never been explored to this degree before. Once we establish how big things at DC can get then the filmmakers can deliver baddies like Vandel Savage, Brainiac, and Darkseid.

What do you think about this rumor that Steppenwolf will be the first person to challenge the Justice League? Let me know in the comments below if this raises or lowers your excitement for the 2017 film!


EJ Moreno
EJ Moreno
Who is EJ Moreno? Is he a trained physician? No. Is he a former Miss Universe contestant? Possibly. With a bachelors degree in film and a love of pop culture, he brings an alternative view to the world of pop culture journalism. Follow him on Twitter @EJKhryst and check out his film work at

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