Monkeys Fighting Robots

Scott Snyder is a busy, busy man. Not only is he spearheading DC’s upcoming Metal event, but he’s also bringing back his creator-owned books Wytches and American Vampire.

Monkeys Fighting Robots had the chance to speak with Scott about all of his upcoming projects at MegaCon this past weekend. Watch his full response here:

On Wytches, Snyder discussed how volume two picks up three years after volume one, and will center on protagonist Sailor joining the wytch-hunting group The Irons. Snyder and series co-creator Jock will also be working on a separate story focusing on the backstory of Sailor’s mentor. This second story will be serialized in the pages of Image+ magazine.

Another one of the writer’s creator-owned series, American Vampire, is also returning. Snyder disclosed that the team plans to bring the series back once Vertigo relaunches under new management. “I’d really like to bring American Vampire back in a big way with the new format,” he stated before going into minor plot details.

Finally, Scott closed out the interview by talking about the upcoming Dark Nights: Metal event at DC. “I was always saying it’s like if Kirby and Frazetta had a baby to like a heavy metal soundtrack,” he started. “It’s Joker dragons, and robots, and dinosaurs, and all that. It’s a personal story. It’s about things that matter to me and Greg [Capullo], about the ways in which history can fall backwards very suddenly and you can find yourself in a dark time. Batman sort of learns that lesson quickly.”

“What it’s really about is the Justice League discover the existence of a dark multiverse, which is essentially based on [my five-year-old’s love for Cosmos]. He loves Cosmos dearly. He calls Neil deGrasse Tyson ‘Cosmo,'” Snyder said. “But I became really fixated with this notion with the discovery of dark matter and dark energy … The universe being made up of 80+% things that are imperceivable to us that essentially affect our universe in ways that are actual or are detectable is terrifying, and also kind of wondrous at once.”

Metal will have Batman and the League uncovering a mystery that goes back through Snyder’s Court of Owls and beyond, through Grant Morrison’s run on Batman. “I really want people to be able to have fun this summer with it, and feel like they can release their inner rock god and celebrate the fun of comics,” Snyder concluded. “It is meant to be sort of celebratory, and out-of-control, and zany, and all of those things that I think are the best aspects of DC events, and yet hopefully people will see it has heart.”

For additional details on WytchesAmerican Vampire, and Metal, be sure to watch our full interview with Scott Snyder above.

Editor-in-Chief for Monkeys Fighting Robots. A lifelong fan of Spider-Man and the Mets, Anthony loves an underdog story. He earned his B.A. in English because of his love for words, and his MBA because of his need for cash. He considers comics to be The Great American Art Form, and loves horror movies, indie dramas, action/thrillers, and everything in between.