Are you interested in journalism with a bite, if so then you need to check out Dynamite’s newest ongoing Vampirella Red Sonja #1 hitting your local comic book store on September 4, featuring the classic characters of Vampirella and Red Sonja, as they team up to figure out why the bikini-clad warrior is in the wrong timeline.
Vampirella Red Sonja #1 begins in the year 1969, the same year Vampirella herself debuted in the comics world. In this canon, she becomes a journalist to investigate supernatural mysteries. The storyline is a perfect fit for Vampirella, as she is on the search for answers for a slew of murders on Dyatlov Pass in Russia. While attempting to solve the mystery, Vampirella runs into Red Sonja. That’s about as spoiler-free as you’ll get!
Jordie Bellaire puts her spin on Vampirella, giving her a new occupation as this new story beat is what drives the plot well.

Before we learn of her new job letterer Becca Carey hints at it amazingly with Vampirella’s narration boxes. Instead of having her usual red box with the black bat, Carey has it as a plain black box, but with a record, play, pause and stop button. At first, this may seem confusing, but once you see her using a recorder, it makes sense and comes off quite smart.
Another unique visual in Vampirella Red Sonja #1 is Drew Moss’ paneling. Throughout Vampirella Red Sonja #1 Moss uses 3-5 rectangle panels for the pages, thus keeping the paneling simple. While this happens for multiple pages, Moss adds in a few different square panels throughout and two full-page layouts. This may sound simple, but it seems that’s what the team of creators was aiming for; plain and simple to help draw in readers that are new to comics. With how much Vampirella Red Sonja #1 relies on characters talking and dialogue bubbles this works best.
The colors by Rebecca Nalty are bright and lively throughout with backgrounds and characters having a palette that catches the eyes, but at times these make the characters faces seem flat. These moments of flat faces look like color-work from the early 2000s.

A Clash of Titans (Vampirella and Red Sonja of Course) (Conclusion)
Vampirella Red Sonja #1 works best as an introduction to the new universe in a way that any long-term fan or newcomer would appreciate.
Memorable Quote: “Sometimes the literal irony of humans really gets to me.” – Vampirella
You and me both!
Dear Blood-Sucking Readers
If this is your first time reading either of these characters, let us know what you thought! Or if you’re a long-time fan, how does it compare to others? No matter which one you are, make sure to stop by your local comic shop and pick it up!