Monkeys Fighting Robots

#GiveDivasAChance was a trending Twitter topic of early 2015, and it definitely garnered the attention of those in charge at the WWE. Now, Dennis Hopeless is showing some love to the women with a new storyline beginning with BOOM! Studios WWE #14.

WWE #14
Artwork: BOOM! Studios



We get to meet Bayley as a fresh-faced newbie to the WWE Performance Center. Her story begins as a bit of a whirlwind, but that’s true to how swiftly the Women’s Revolution has taken place. The fast-paced story emanates how overwhelmed Bayley is at first, but she quickly solidifies her place in NXT with her Four Horsewomen sisters Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Sasha Banks.

We feel sorry for Bayley as she gets left behind in NXT as her friends make their move to the WWE main roster, but we’re left with an optimistic impression that she won’t be far behind.


Serg Acuna’s artwork is fantastic, as usual. However, his visuals of Charlotte and Sasha seem a bit off; they just don’t look as much like their human counterparts as much as the other girls do. With making Bayley’s eye wide and almost anime-like, it makes us believe that she truly is a deer in the headlights. She’s child-like and innocent, and we definitely feel that throughout the comic.

Doug Garbark uses a lot of pink throughout the issue, which gives the story a feminine tone. Yes, there’s still action within the story, but the pastel accents keep the rest of the tale lighthearted and optimistic.

WWE #14 - Bayley Bumble
Artwork: BOOM! Studios


We couldn’t talk about the Women’s Revolution without mentioning the one woman that no one is ready for, Asuka. Tini Howard’s short at the end of the comic introduces us to “The Empress of Tomorrow” subtly. Hyeonjin Kim hides the pink-haired goddess in the panels, mingling silently with her NXT colleagues. This definitely mimics Asuka’s arrival in the WWE, and this story captures that flawlessly.


Seeing the women of the WWE take center stage on television has been refreshing and satisfying. Seeing them take the forefront in this comic series is groundbreaking, and I’m excited to see where this storyline takes us.

Kimberly hails from the town that brought us SLAP SHOT and ALL THE RIGHT MOVES. She uses The Force to open all automatic doors. She became a Harley Quinn fan before it was cool to be a Harley Quinn fan. She loves peeking behind the curtain of kayfabe. Ferris Bueller is her hero. She lives in a tiny castle with her husband (who she met in the video game aisle of Toys R Us), 3 cats, and Wicket the Ewok dog. Kimberly is a TV, movie, and comic critic - her cups of tea include writing about badass women, WWE, Marvel, DC, The Walking Dead, and more. Be sure to follow her adventures on all of her social media links below. And while you're at it, be sure to follow Monkeys Fighting Robots & POPAXIOM across all social media platforms, too!
review-the-womens-revolution-begins-with-wwe-14This is a great introduction to a much-anticipated storyline. This makes me excited to read more about the women of WWE and their rise in the Women's Revolution.