[Review] The Itsy Busty Spider – Monster Girls ep. 7

It’s done! This should be the last episode of Monster Girls for a while to be a character intro. After this we can get down to some good comedy with some occasional character development. Oh and some sexy stuff, but honestly the sexy stuff never left. And with five different sexy monster girls being introduced in this episode we can sure expect all those things I mentioned to stay fresh and interesting.

Now while this weeks episode looks like it would suffer from a lot of the problems I had with the second episode. It works better here for two reasons. One is that Arachnera’s intro was somewhat showed in the last episode. Also her intro incorporates the “MON” squad we are introduced in the first half. This at least gives the episode a little more flow and doesn’t feel as choppy and as disjointed as to whats happening. Having an intro that really has nothing to do with whats been already established this late in the game is a little more unforgivable. But they handle it well enough to where it fits in fine.

Now both of these intro’s have their good points. The “MON” squad is cool because we get a team of hot sexy girls that don’t have anything to do with our main protagonist. And throw in the fact that they work with Ms. Smith, kick some serious ass, and all have some serious personality, and you got quite the sub plot. In fact I would totally be okay with just watching a show about the “MON” squad. Seeing monster girls do something other than make jokes and be sexy is always nice. Not that I’m saying watching monster girls making jokes and being sexy is getting boring, I like both equally. And with an excessive show like Monster Girls already, why not just cram as much cool and fun shit in as you can?

Zombie boobs

With the sexy monster squad aside, this episode is cool because it provides another look into how they handle monster crimes under their “Interspecies Exchange Act”. The pure need for a monster-only assault squad makes so much sense, and when things happen that are cool and also make sense is like a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae. It was also nice to see male monsters in this show finally, even if they are the grossest thing ever. And I’m not just talking about their looks, they are literally gross, from like a personal standing. Honestly none of the sex jokes really hit me in the first half, but I guess that’s just me. I’ve said before that I’m not a fan of sexualizing, guys being predatory towards women, and that’s basically the gag in this first half. And seeing they did it in the last half too, kinda irks me. But I’m not gonna fault the whole show for something that shows up very rarely. And I’m not saying that there aren’t good jokes intertwined with these gross voyeuristic scenes, because there certainly is.

As for the second half, we are introduced to the “best girl” Rachnera, a spider girl with a human upper half. Now before I get to why she’s the best girl, am I the only one who thinks some of these names are really dumb? Like “Zombina” and “Rachnera” are basically just saying what kind of creature they are. It’s dumb to think someone of that species would name their kid that. It would be like me calling my daughter “Girla”. Its stupid and I don’t really know if it’s just laziness or if its suppose to be funny and I’m not getting it.

But anyway, her stupid name shouldn’t put you off to loving Rachnera, because you should love her. Not only does she have one of the more interesting character designs, she also has the potential for having one of the best character arcs. Oh and she also has a kick ass personality that doesn’t entirely have to do with her love for the main character. But going back to her character arc. While Miia had considerable ridicule and disgust from onlookers for being different, Rachnera never had the crutch of having someone like Kimihito to care for and defend her. She was straight kicked to the curb and then just used by the person she was given too. Safe to say that her situation is a bit more traumatizing.

He's a leg guy

And seeing that she has found someone who accepts her in Kimihito, even if his reasoning is dumb and silly, she can grow to be less hating of humans. And even though Kimihito’s reasoning is stupid, its silly enough to where I genuinely laughed when he says how he has a leg fetish, somehow implying that it doesn’t matter what kind of legs, just any will turn him on. I bet if he saw a millipede girl he would flip his shit. But Rachnera has more going for her besides her legs, she also is more crass and dirty that the other girls, not to mention extremely self-indulgent. She will almost serve the same purpose as Suu as being someone who puts other girls in sexy situations. However unlike Suu, Rachnera will be conscious of the things she does and will most likely relish in her dirty deeds. And while later Rachnera may acquire feelings for Kimihito, right now she just wants to be with people who care about her for who and what she is.

Now I may be biased about Rachnera and be way more optimistic on the way they will handle her character. But at the very least she will be entertaining. As for the “MON” squad, they’re funny and interesting but I doubt they’ll show up often. And seeing that Miia, Cerea, and Papi are most likely the main three girls, Rachnera will probably be a side character like Suu or Mero. But that’s nice in its one way because it can leave her to do her own thing. All I ask for is that she shows up enough that we don’t forget she’s there. Oh and to see her do cute and sexy things, because if I haven’t said enough times, I really like Rachnera. Which is weird considering I kill a spider every time I see one. But getting aroused over things you normally wouldn’t get aroused over is what Monster Girls does best. So I should stop being surprised at how such weird things turn me on.

Logan Peterson
Logan Peterson
My names Logan and I love writing about Anime. Other art is guchi too. When I'm not writing gonzo reviews I'm writing books. *If interested look up The Dream Sequence on Amazon.* I usually write more editorial stuff than just plain reviews. I like my writing to be more big picture. I feel consumer reviews are a thing of the past and more personal reviews are the most valuable nowadays.

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