
'The Black Ghost' #1, published by ComiXology, and created by Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, Marco Finnegan, George Kambadias, Ellie Wright and Taylor Esposito perfectly blends noir, mystery and vigilante action into an exciting and great-looking new series that is a treat for comic fans.
Pencils & Inks

Review: THE BLACK GHOST#1 Excellently Mixes Noir, Mystery and Vigilantes

The Black Ghost #1, published by ComiXology, and created by Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, Marco Finnegan, George Kambadias, Ellie Wright and Taylor Esposito perfectly blends noir, mystery and vigilante action into an exciting and great-looking new series that is a treat for comic fans.

Meet Lara Dominguez—a troubled Creighton cops reporter obsessed with the city’s debonair vigilante—The Black Ghost. With the help of a mysterious cyber-informant named LONE, Lara’s inched closer to uncovering the Ghost’s identity. But as she searched for the breakthrough story she desperately needs, Lara will have to navigate the corruption of her city, the uncertainties of virtue, and her own personal demons. Will she have the strength to be part of the solution—or will she become the problem?The Black Ghost

The Black Ghost #1
Written by: Alex Segura & Monica Gallagher
Art by: George Kambadais
Layouts by: Marco Finnegan
Colors by: Ellie Wright
Letters & Design: Taylor Esposito


The Black Ghost #1 opens with an exciting in medias res scene that does a great job of introducing its main character, Lara, and also what her motivations and role in the story are. As the story progresses you organically learn more about Lara; very little exposition too, it’s all done through some great dialog and narration.  Writers Alex Segura & Monica Gallagher create a protagonist you immediately start to feel for, given the situation she is in. Lara is tough, independent and smart. But she is also not without her faults, as both job neglection and a drinking problem are alluded to. We also get to see her relationship with a student (Lara is ALSO a night school teacher-great detail!) which helps add even more layers to Lara.

They also do a fantastic job in creating the world around Lara. The city of Creighton feels real and has atmosphere. In great crime/noir fiction setting and places are as important as characters and that is the case here. It gives readers a great overall package that feels complete, even for a first issue.The Black Ghost

The writers also do a fantastic job in blending genres. The Black Ghost is a noir, a crime/mystery procedural and of course a superhero/masked vigilante story. That it works as all these things individually AND together shows how much care and love these writers must-have for their characters, world and the genres they are mixing.

And then we get one hell of an ending that leaves things with such a great set-up. I can’t remember the last time I said “Holy Shit” out loud when I finished a comic but The Black Ghost #1 a brand new book with brand new characters made me say it. And that’s no easy feat.


The Black Ghost is a very good looking book. The art here is clean and thick-lined, creating a sense of heaviness in the digital images that make it feel tangible. There is also a great use of empty space; the technique opens up the pages to some great layouts that are as inventive as they are effective. The colors pop and are vibrant. The lettering is clear and designed effectively to convey differences between word balloons, descriptions and ‘voice over’ narration.The Black Ghost

Overall the art falls somewhere between indie comics and superhero art; a nice place to hang out in if you can get there.


The Black Ghost #1 is a great start to what could potentially be a fun and unique comic book series. It’s rare to find a debut issue that delivers so much. Give it a try, you will not be disappointed! The Black Ghost

The Black Ghost #1 is available here from ComiXology on September 18, 2019.

Manuel Gomez
Manuel Gomez
Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!

What do you think?

Review: THE BLACK GHOST#1 Excellently Mixes Noir, Mystery and Vigilantes'The Black Ghost' #1, published by ComiXology, and created by Alex Segura, Monica Gallagher, Marco Finnegan, George Kambadias, Ellie Wright and Taylor Esposito perfectly blends noir, mystery and vigilante action into an exciting and great-looking new series that is a treat for comic fans.