
Nottingham #7 mounts an ever engrossing tension as the wait for a backstabbing is on the horizon.

Review: NOTTINGHAM #7 – Preparing For Betrayal

Nottingham #7 of Mad Cave Studios comes to comic stores on May 11th with the Final Order Cutoff on April 18th. In this issue, loyalties and ethics are tested as an inevitable betrayal builds to a boiling point.


Sheriff Blackthorne and Robin Hood make an uneasy alliance to rescue King Richard from France. Meanwhile, Lady Marian is making advances to take control of the Merry Men.

Nottingham #7: Backstabbing Paramount

David Hazan writes Nottingham #7 with a strong sense of uneasy tension throughout the issue. Just about every interaction between characters feels like a subtle attempt at domination. With a murder aboard Blackthorne and Hood’s ship, there’s a suspenseful debate of ethics on how to deal with the assassin. Which gets worse as it feels like it’s going to lead to even more problems.Guess what's going on in their heads.

Then there’s how Marian uses the Merry Men in a very gruesome fashion. Marian is very much preparing for a war, but what really arrests readers’ attention is where her loyalties lie. If anything, Marian is out for herself and how she proceeds keeps readers in suspense. It’s this kind of writing that pulls you in and has you waiting for the next issue.

Art Directing Focus

Nottingham #7 openingShane Connery Volk’s artwork puts a tremendous focus on important situations. The most important plot points of Nottingham #7 manifest in panels devoid of background. It gives the feeling that everything else disappears, at least in juxtaposition with letterer Justin Birch’s placement of dialogue. Seeing only Lady Marian’s green eyes, red mouth, and the blood on her face in colorist Luca Romano’s black background makes her words twice as impactful.

Catch up to Nottingham #7 Immediately!

Nottingham #7 arrests the readers attention with well-presented suspense. Every major character has a powerful narrative stake that clashes with another’s. As an inevitable betrayal inches closer, readers are sure to commit to seeing the entire plot through.

Jake Palermo
Jake Palermo
Greeting panel readers, My name is Jake but I never replace anyone or anything; I merely follow and fill in the gaps. I write stories and articles that help people piece together anything that helps them understand subjects like culture, the people who write their favorite stories, and how it affects other people.

What do you think?

Review: NOTTINGHAM #7 - Preparing For BetrayalNottingham #7 mounts an ever engrossing tension as the wait for a backstabbing is on the horizon.