Review: ‘Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ Annual #1: Plethora Of Power

Comics creators come together to celebrate their mutual love of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! From short stories like “The Origin of Goldar” to “What Would Happen If Bulk and Skull Became Rangers?”, this oversized anthology collection features contributions from creators like Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise), Rob Guillory (Chew), James Kochalka (Monkey vs Robot), and more!


The first Mighty Morphin annual from Boom! Studios is a wonderful offering of different short stories all taking place in the Power Rangers Universe. Tales such as “A Week in the Life” by Kyle Higgins tells a simple story of Jason trying to balance his school, his life, and being a Ranger all at the same time. “A Spot of Trouble” looks at Trini and Kimberly as they try to help with a party, only to find it under attack by monsters. Each of these stories offers a very interesting look at what different writers and artists can accomplish with the different characters and settings.

The story which really makes the annual so good is “Only The Strong” by Trey Moore. It offers a perfect mixture of deep storytelling while tapping into the different mythologies which came together to make Power Rangers the long saga is has become. With any luck, Mr. Moore will have another opportunity in the future to write and draw more stories in this series.

Power Rangers


The different art styles in the book don’t really accentuate one another, but instead seem to stand out on their own. Marguerite Bennett’s style in “A Spot of Trouble” helps to sell the story as much more whimsical, like something out of a fairy tale. Jorge Corona’s style from “What Makes A Ranger” has a roughness to the story which makes it appear harsh but heartwarming all at the same time. Each story is unique and offers a different take on many familiar characters.


This celebration of the Power Rangers truly is a welcomed sight. It helps to prove all which can be done with the tapestry of the mythology behind the Power Rangers Universe. Hopefully this is not the last time a group decides to get together to celebrate how much this series means to them.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

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