
A brilliant issue filled with amazing art and an intriguing story.

Review: MEGA MAN: FULLY CHARGED #3 – Inner Conflicts and a Shocking Ending

Mega Man: Fully Charged #3, out now from BOOM! Studios is an engaging, action-packed, and beautifully drawn issue that ends, leaving you deeply wanting to read the next issue.

A.J. Marchisello’s writing in Mega Man: Fully Charged hooks in a reader like few others’ writing. Much of the focus in the past few issues has been on the internal conflict of Mega Man. There seems to be a new human and robot war near approaching, and Mega Man must choose a side to be on. He is a robot but has sworn to protect the residents of Silicon City. Both his father and sister, Thomas and Suna Light, are also human. Problems arise as more and more information is revealed that may imply people Mega Man thought were trustworthy might not be. Marchisello’s writing is so captivating that a scene of Mega Man talking with Nemagem will have you convinced there is a clear answer to Mega Man’s dilemma, and the following scene of him talking with his sister will have you believing otherwise.

Mega Man: Fully Charged #3 Variant Cover

Another part of what makes Mega Man: Fully Charged #3 such an entertaining issue is its ending. Going into nearly any detail would give it away, but the conclusion to this issue is certain to have any Mega Man fan dying to read the following issue.

Stefano Simeone has provided excellent work in every issue of Mega Man: Fully Charged so far. This issue features some stunning cityscapes with interesting and complex architecture and surprising amounts of detail. Mega Man: Fully Charged #3 also contains tons of action, which Simeone brings to life through his art. His forms are always dynamic, and every character’s pose is filled with energy. The pages of combat — and really every page — is a pleasure to look at thanks to Simeone’s work.

Mega Man: Fully Charged #3 Coloring Example

Igor Monti brings his all in each issue that he works on, and Mega Man: Fully Charged is a clear example of this. Filling the issue with such beautiful palettes for areas such as the city, Monti makes all of Simeone’s art into even more of a spectacle through his coloring. The issue has a nice variety of tones, and each area and scene has its own palette that reflects the emotion of the scene. Monti’s work in this issue is truly marvelous, and I hope it continues for many issues to come.

Mega Man: Fully Charged features the talents of Ed Dukeshire for its lettering. Speech bubbles in the issue are never placed in ways that make the order confusing, and the fonts used never hinder the story. However, the work of Dukeshire doesn’t improve the issue much at all. The styles used for captions and sound effects don’t stand out as unique or intriguing, and there is little variety in the fonts used throughout the issue. Dukeshire’s work allows for the story to progress seamlessly and does what is necessary for good lettering, but the lettering doesn’t improve the story in many ways.

Mega Man: Fully Charged #3 is a riveting issue filled with gorgeous art and a captivating story. The ending is sure to shock readers and leave them impatient for the next issue to hit shelves. This issue is a wonderful read and is sure to leave fans of the games and the cartoon happy.

David Weber
David Weber
David Weber is a student at University of Rhode Island. He enjoys spending his time absorbing nearly every form of art, including comics, books, movies, and plays. He can be reached at

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Review: MEGA MAN: FULLY CHARGED #3 - Inner Conflicts and a Shocking EndingA brilliant issue filled with amazing art and an intriguing story.