Art by: Chad Thomas
Cover By: Patrick Spaziante
Review Score: 7/10
Since its debut earlier in the year Mega Man has been a very interesting Comic book to read. This issue wraps up its second arc as we see whether Mega Man will be able to defeat Dr Wily , his eight Robot Masters and save his sister in the process . Ian Flynn keeps his story simple and gets Mega Man from point A to B in the quickest way possible . The action sequences are quick and pretty straight forward. Where Ian Flynn does try to show some creativity is with each Robot Master . He gives each Robot their own voice . Iceman is shy and always worried, Fire man is a western gunman , Gutsman is a slow witted lovable oaf etc. Some of the other personalities are a big miss, Oil Man sounding like a teenage rapper comes to mind, but I give Ian kudos for at least injecting each character with a bit of personality.

The art itself isn’t that bad , Chad Thomas does a good job with the action sequences but over all his work seems a bit stiff. Emotions on characters faces tend to all look the same after a while and the inker actually makes Chad’s pencil work look heavier than it should. The cover Artist Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante did the first arc for the series , and there has been a noticeable dip in the art since. I’m hoping he comes back for the next arc because the art work was one of the major reasons I was enjoying the book.
It’s no surprise that Mega Man is able to save the day but Dr. Wily gets away in the process. This issue ends setting up the next story arc which is going to introduce Protoman , as well as The Robot Masters from Mega Man 2 . I definitely recommend this book to fans of the video games . There is enough fan service in the book to make it enjoyable. New readers may not be on board as much . If the writing can continue to improve along with Cover artist “Spaz” coming back to interiors I’ll continue to keep Mega Man on my pull list , if not next issue may be my last. I can always go back to playing the games to get my fix.
Mike DeVivo
Follow me on twitter @pandasandrobots
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