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Black Mask Studios Gravetrancers #3, by M.L. Miller, James Michael Whynot, and Dee Cunniff explodes with disturbing horror, relentless action, and eye-popping gore in the best issue so far in this excellent series.Gravetrancers

Gravetrancers #3
Written by: M.L. Miller
Art by: James Michael Whynot
Colors by: Dee Cunniff
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Published by: Black Mask Studios

Maribel and Anthony are siblings on a road trip to visit the grave of their father. And although both brother and sister have strong and mixed feelings when it comes to the man, both feel that maybe some sort of closure will come with the visit. But something far more sinister, frightening and disturbing awaits them at Burwood Cemetery. Maribel and Anthony are about to find out the proprietors of the cemetery, the Malrot family, harbor a different notion of life and death, one that will enter their lives like a hallucinatory nightmare that may never let go. And things get even more complicated as police Officer Veloz gets drawn into the horror. 


As fucked up and disturbing as the first two issues of Gravetrancers were, issue #3 is without a doubt the most extreme one yet. Using a police siege of Burwood Cemetery as his main narrative drive, writer M.L. Miller creates a relentless pace that creates an incredible amount of tension and suspense. The full horror of the Malrot family is laid bare, as is what this fucked up family is truly capable of. There are some really disturbing details and moments here, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre influence is explored even more.


The art here is phenomenal. Influenced by classic horror comics, punk rock flyer art, and psychedelic imagery, Whynot and Cuniff create some breathtaking images that leap of the page and make you feel like the viscera is literally splattering all over you. The design and layouts are also fantastic, adding to the jarring and textured/handcrafted feel of the linework. This comic looks and feels like nothing else on the stands these days.


Gravetrancers is the kind of book that becomes a cult classic of the medium; it’s unique, offers a completely original reading experience, and lingers on behind your eyes and in your mind long after you have turned the last page. With one more issue left to go, now is the time to jump into this title.

Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!
review-gravetrancers-issue-3 'Gravetrancers' #3 explodes with disturbing horror, relentless action, and eye-popping gore in the best issue so far in this excellent series. 5 Stars!