Review: ‘Ghostbusters International’ #8: Reinforcements

Thanks to the diligence of Egon Spengler, the Ghostbusters are now finally aware of who and what they’ve been up against… but that information has come at a cost! The boys and girls in grey will need help to deal with this new threat, and they’ll go to the ends of the earth (and beyond) to find it!



When characters are in trouble, it’s always good to have individuals you can call upon at a moment’s notice for reinforcements. In this case, the team decides to use interdimensional travel and get the help of the Real Ghostbusters. Yes, the comic team once again meets up with the cartoon team and they work to find a way to solve the recent threat. Sure, it’s a bit out of nowhere but it is the kind of incredible storytelling which can only come from a comic book. Also, the Real Ghostbusters appear and they are always a welcomed site of old fashioned nostalgia. Writer Erik Burnham really has the entire story line plotted out effectively, and is telling a story which started slow but is starting to pick up steam here in the later issues.



The artwork by Dan Schoening really shines this issue. There is a distinct contrast between the two different dimensional worlds. The ghosts and blasts effects are as stunning as they are with every single issue. Also, the appearance of one of the classic ghosts from Real Ghostbusters as the villain for this issue was definitely an entertaining sight.


This issue gave the fans exactly what they want, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes the fans need to be pandered to be reminded of just how they are appreciated and thought about. As the story makes its way towards the face off against the big threat, issues such as this are really a welcomed sight.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

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