In BOOM! Studios newest series Folklords, Matt Kindt and Matt Smith ask the big question: do fantasy characters dream of earthly realms?

A World Reversal
Folklords‘ premise seems like an obvious one in fantasy, yet it seems to have barely been touched upon before now. Instead of someone from Earth dreaming of a fantasy world, it’s reversed. The series’ #1 main adventurer, Ansel, receives visions of a fabled land called Earth where a multitude of things are different. The visions get the better of Ansel and he sets out to find the fabled Folklords. Gotta love when a comic references the title in its interior.
Unique premise aside, writer Matt Kindt crafts a lively fantasy world bristling with nods to other works. That doesn’t mean Kindt solely relies on past inspirations and creations, though. At the age of 18, all kids in this fantasy realm must announce a quest they plan on tackling, and then set out upon it. Kindt portrays this announcement as a ‘coming of age’ ritual, while having each kid present it to the town. These moments of quest announcements are magnificent as they expand the world, history, and characters all in a hilarious manner.

A World of Art
Matt Smith’s art is a perfect fit for fantasy worlds. You may have seen him recently on Hellboy And The B.P.R.D.: Long Night At Goloski Station, furthering the fact of being a top artistic choice for any fantasy realm. While Kindt portrays the characters and world through dialogue, Smith matches said storytelling with each page of artwork.
Smith is able to depict the large fantasy world in all its grander. Folklords #1 seems to take place in only one city (no name is ever stated), but each section visited stands out on its own due to Smith’s art. Smith’s portrayal of a fantasy realm is breathtaking, while the colors by Chris O’Halloran match the feel good vibes and beauty. Each page’s charm beckons you to live in its world.
O’Halloran showcases a complex color spectrum with bright and otherworldly moments, while mixing in dark and moody backgrounds throughout Folklords #1. If neither Kindt’s writing nor Smith’s art could convince you to move to this fantasy realm, then O’Halloran’s colors will.
Helping further Folklords #1 fantasy story are the letters provided by Jim Campbell. During narration moments, Campbell crafts them as a handwritten page in a storybook, taking the fantasy theme to the next level. The characters showcased thus far are human, with the only non-human (Charles The Troll) receiving differing dialogue bubbles. Instead of the clean circular bubbles the humans receive, Charles’ bubbles are shaky and uneven. His dialogue is bold and shaky, helping showcase the difference.

Off To Find The Folklords
Each member of Folklords creative team brings their best to the opening issue of a new fantasy world. Throughout Folklords #1, the team adds just enough intrigue about the world, essentially drawing you in slowly. By the end of its first issue you’ll be as excited as Ansel is to explore a new world.
Memorable Quote: “I’m a Troll. I like what I do. And I ain’t a fan of crowds.” – Charles The Troll
Hey, I never agreed to be in Folklords! Seriously, no character has spoken to me more than Charles The Troll.
Cover Story: We aren’t talking about the cover art for Folklords #1, instead I wanted to mention other insane news. A week before its release BOOM! Studios announced a third printing. For a brand new series’ first issue to go to third printing before its release is pretty awesome!
Step Into The Fantasy World
Let us know what you thought of the start to a new fantasy story down below!