
I'm loving what Williamson and Co. have been doing with Reverse-Flash, and this issue just builds on that. Well written, gorgeously drawn, and vibrantly colored.

Review: 11 Reasons ‘Flash’ #25 Should Race To The Top Of Your Read Pile

Eboard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, has successfully manipulated Barry Allen to travel to the 23rd Century. Holding a captive Iris West in the future Flash Museum, Thawne recounts his own story and what drove him to become the murderous speedster he is today (and tomorrow and yesterday). But Thanwe’s plan is not to merely capture and kill Iris. The Reverse-Flash has something much more personal in mind. Something that can tear the life Barry has carefully built around having both a normal life and being the Scarlett Speedster.

The Flash #25The Flash #25
Running Scared Part 1
“Every Breath You Take”
Written by: Joshua Williamson
Art by: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Neil Googe & Ryan Sook
Colors by: Ivan Plascencia, Dave McCaig & Hi-Fi
Lettered by: Steve Wands

Published by: DC Comics

I really am loving what the team of Joshua Williamson and Carmine Di Giandomenico have been doing with Reverse-Flash. They have slowly been building him as a very unstable psychopath, but with this issue, they somehow find a way to not only humanize him a bit but also escalate him as a threat even more. It’s an issue in the tradition of the classic Rogue-centric stories Geoff Johns was known for (and that made me LOVE Flash’s villains) yet still feels different enough to run on its own. Read on for 11 reasons Flash #25 is one of this week’s must-read comics.

The Flash #25
Page from ‘Flash’ #25
  1. How Williamson can have both Barry and Thawne narrate parts of this issue, yet still have you feel for BOTH of them.
  2. Having three artists (Di Giandomenico, Googe, and Sook) illustrate the different narrative stretches adds a huge impact. Each penciler brings a certain feeling to their sequence. There are even subtle panel changes I only noticed on a second read through.
  3. The future Central City is gorgeous. The first opening spread is like something out of Heavy Metal Magazine or Mobius.
  4. The coloring. This continues to be one of the most vibrant looking books on stands. It looks great both on paper and digital.
  5. Steve Wands lettering is much more than just words on pictures. His sound effect illustrations and word balloons add dynamics and voice.
  6. The tragedy of Thawne’s past is actually moving.
  7. Williamson continues to portray Barry as a very relatable person. Despite being a superhero, he still makes mistakes and has self-doubt. In keeps the tradition of Flash being one of the DCU’s most human characters.
  8. “Every Second is a gift.” How those words take on so many meanings in the span of one issue!
  9. “I chose yellow because it was the color all of Flash’s partners wore”
  10. The Heatwave and Captain Cold cameos!
  11. Thawne unmasking Barry in front of Iris. Mic dropped folks.

    The Flash #25
    Page from ‘Flash’ #25

With its extra pages, and the start of a new storyline, this issue is not only great, but a perfect chance to join the race if you have been thinking about picking up The Flash. This is already a classic run and should be on your pull list every month. Don’t sit this title out, and certainly not this issue!

Manuel Gomez
Manuel Gomez
Assistant Comic Book Editor. Manny has been obsessed with comics since childhood. He reads some kind of comic every single day. He especially loves self-published books and dollar bin finds. 'Nuff said!

What do you think?

Review: 11 Reasons 'Flash' #25 Should Race To The Top Of Your Read PileI'm loving what Williamson and Co. have been doing with Reverse-Flash, and this issue just builds on that. Well written, gorgeously drawn, and vibrantly colored.