BOOM! Studios‘ journey into erotica continues this week with the second issue of Faithless. It is a story that combines self-discovery, sexual awakening and a touch of magic.
After the successful first issue, which is also sees a second printing this week, can the lure of Faithless keep the reader’s attention?

The second issue of Faithless starts with a shock, just to get the heart beating. It also, within the first few pages, reminds the reader exactly what kind of comic you are reading. It has an element of supernatural horror mixed with the seductive nature of Faith’s new life.
After her first night with Poppy, Faith wakes up alone. She finds an invitation from Poppy to meet her at a late night, exclusive party but the note also invites Faith to indulge herself in Poppy’s apartment.
Brian Azzarello uses his central character to lead the reader around the world he has created. As Faith discovers the new, exclusive life that Poppy lives so too does the reader. But just as importantly, the reader is on hand to learn about Faith as she herself begins a journey of self-discovery.
Azzarello creates enough mystery in his narrative to keep the reader engrossed but not too much that you feel alienated from the situation. Faith is such a strong character, with a streak of confidence but also a vulnerability that comes from being out of her depth. She is a strong enough character to be able to carry the large new world Azzarello is introducing. A number of supporting characters pass through the narrative, each making their mark, but they all exist to further Faiths story.

In all fairness, if the story in Faithless was not up to scratch, the artwork by Maria Llovet would be engrossing enough. She has a seductive style which makes each page so alluring; it pulls you in and squeezes you gently so that you forget the outside world. There is a fluidity to the images, flowing from panel to panel, page to page.
Llovet has a great understanding of the characters she is drawing. Her figure work is exceptional with facial work that exudes emotion. The attention to design and detail gives this comic a unique aesthetic not often seen in the American mainstream comics.
The lettering created by Andworld Design adopts the European feel produced by the art work. Irregular shaped speech balloons give the speech a naturalistic sensation and allow freer distribution of the text within the white space. This means that certain aspects of the speech can be emphasised or given emotional weight without an uncomfortable change to the style of the balloons.

Faithless is an adult comic for people with open minds. It is also one of the most intriguing, visually stimulating, and exciting comics on the shelf. The eroticism is evident throughout and Llovet’s artwork seduces the reader to the point of distraction. You get washed along with the story, sliding from one panel to the next with ease.