
A poetic masterpiece blending sci-fi and fantasy to reveal Hal Jordan's fate after waking up inside his Green Lantern ring.

Review: Can Hal Escape From The Ring In THE GREEN LANTERN #7?

Most readers can agree Hal Jordan deserves a break after neutralizing Controller Mu’s U-Bomb last issue. Unfortunately, this notion proves too good to be true when he finds himself trapped inside his ring, navigating the mysterious land of Emerald Sands. Readers also meet Pengowirr, a woman fighting for her life against Myrwhydden, a maniacal wizard trapped within the ring. The fates of all three collide in Grant Morrison and Liam Sharp’s epic tale in THE GREEN LANTERN #7.


Morrison’s storytelling is some of the most poetic we’ve seen in the series. The narration’s description of the ring’s inner world reads like one of the Grimm Fairy Tales: both enchanting and unnerving. One may in fact forget they’re reading a sci-fi comic as they read Morrison’s fantastical depictions of Myrwhydden and his god-like Ministers.

The reader follows Pengowirr as she evades the wizard’s creations. Her desperation is made clear as the narration details despair, even going so far as to wonder why she’s even bothering to fight such a bleak predicament.

Pengowirr attempts to outrun the wizard

Just when all hope seems lost, Pengowirr finds the lost Hal. She senses a stark difference between him and the morbid creatures of Emerald Sands. With him comes a sense of light and life that can speak truth to the power Myrwhydden wields.

These character’s interaction reveals a bond deeper than anyone could imagine. Readers will enjoy uncovering the secret of their relationship in the midst of the ring’s chaotic world.


Sharp’s visual representation of Emerald Sands is a masterpiece. The dark greens paired with the peculiar Ministers, grasses, and waters allows this environment to mimic the unsettling feelings within Pengowirr.

One of the key elements that makes this issue shine is Tom Orzechowski’s lettering. Placing the narration dialogue directly on the illustrations, without bubbles, gives tremendous weight to their message. It’s as if the reader is experiencing the voice of a higher power that guides the characters through a world of its own making.

Hal makes his way through Emerald Sands

Sharp and Steve Oliff’s main cover issue captures the essence of Emerald Sands. The shape of their rocky world is reminiscent of a lantern, giving readers a clue as to its connection with Hal’s ring. Emanuela Lupacchino and Rex Lokus’ variant cover places emphasis on the Green Lantern Corps. to remind readers what Hal and his ring long for.


THE GREEN LANTERN #7 serves as a satisfying epilogue to the Controller Mu/Blackstar storyline. Witnessing Hal explore the inner world of his ring shows the bond they’ve forged through years of battle.

What did you think of the ring’s inner world? Let us know in the comments below!

Corey Patterson
Corey Patterson
A comic book nerd and reviewer with a special interest in the underlying themes of superhero, sci-fi and fantasy stories. He enjoys writing for Monkeys Fighting Robots, Pop Culture and Theology and other publications.

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Review: Can Hal Escape From The Ring In THE GREEN LANTERN #7?A poetic masterpiece blending sci-fi and fantasy to reveal Hal Jordan's fate after waking up inside his Green Lantern ring.