
Armorclads #1 engages readers by creating an empathetic link with enslaved people as the threats to them mount up.

Review: ARMORCLADS #1 – The Pre-Revolution

Armorclads #1 from Valiant Entertainment releases March 23rd as the beginning of a fresh new intellectual property. In this series, readers connect with enslaved children who are fighting against the titular antagonists.


Armorclads #1 openingFrom Valiant’s official description:

As warring nations in a different solar system are locked in a continuing battle for supremacy wielding advanced exoskeletal known as Armorclads, a new rebellion is about to be sparked when one of the genetically engineered workers in construction-class mechs called Ironclads is killed. Now, by taking the fight to their oppressors, the Ironclads including Peris, Lela and Jac will soon discover a destiny defined by legacy.

How Armorclads #1 Stirs A Connection

What readers need to feel

Armorclads #1 is creator JJ O’Connor’s first comic project. It’s a very impressive start to his career. Alongside veteran writer Brian Buccellato of Injustice and Flash fame, O’Connor presents a harsh and oppressive world through the Ironclad protagonists. They’re all but powerless against the Armorclads, who are vulnerable to the alien world they’re all on. So seeing these enslaved children overcome what beat their slavers feels cathartic. But this same rock-paper-scissors dynamic comes with some very suspenseful consequences. It keeps readers on their toes as they await the next issue.

There’s an Art in Tribute

They look just like the 40K space marinesArtist Manuel Garcia injects Armorclads #1 with an atmosphere similar to the Warhammer franchise. The titular Armorclads, for example, greatly resemble the iconic space marines. More importantly, Garcia and inker Raul Fernandez put special attention on the angles and viewpoints of characters. There’s a genuine sense of being overwhelmed whenever a character looks upward. This sense of a threat is color-coded by Rex Locus. The darker the antagonist, the more dangerous they are, in sharp contrast to the bright yellow Ironclads.

Finally, letterer Dave Sharpe gives specially designed sound effects, creating incredible dramatic effects. The reader can practically feel the whir of a drill in one instance. But, probably the most significant example of SFX is the handcrafted kind that embeds into the panels.

Get Ready For Armorclads #1

Armorclads #1 makes a big first impression as a new Valiant title and the debut of a creator. This world and characters have an engaging premise that readers would like to see more of. That’s because it’s presented in such a way that it’s almost impossible to look away.

Jake Palermo
Jake Palermo
Greeting panel readers, My name is Jake but I never replace anyone or anything; I merely follow and fill in the gaps. I write stories and articles that help people piece together anything that helps them understand subjects like culture, the people who write their favorite stories, and how it affects other people.

What do you think?

Review: ARMORCLADS #1 - The Pre-RevolutionArmorclads #1 engages readers by creating an empathetic link with enslaved people as the threats to them mount up.