
The Superman family is on the hunt for the Invisible Mafia, but hopefully, they all make it out alive!

Review: ACTION COMICS #1025 – The Last Stand of Conner Kent?

On September 22, DC Comics released Actions Comics #1025. Writer Brian Michael Bendis, penciler John Romita Jr., inker Klaus Janson, color artist Brad Anderson, and letter Dave Sharpe continue their “House of Kent” story. Hopefully, all of its members will make it out alive!


One can’t help but feel some joy at seeing the entire Super-Family together again. It’s certainly been fun to see Conner Kent reconnect with all of the people who had forgotten him. But one also can’t help but feel like this arc, and Conner’s return, in general, might’ve been better served in the hands of Jurgens or Tomasi. Bendis’s “House of Kent” arc is hampered by an Invisible Mafia story that’s running out of gas (no pun intended, given the villain of the arc).

It does feel like it’s time for a change of writer on this title (in Mark Waid we trust?). Hopefully, after waiting so long for his return during the Rebirth era, Conner Kent will still be alive and recognizable in a post-Bends Superman run.

Art and Colors

Fans of Romita Jr. should like this issue because when he draws characters close up, they can be quite compelling. Sometimes, though, from far away, his drawings can be a bit angular and sloppy. For instance:

It’s hard to get past Jon Kent’s Bart Simpson hair, as well as whatever doodle for beginners hellscape Brainiac 5 crawled out of. Maybe Romita fans will disagree with me, but as epic as Conner’s return to the Superman titles SHOULD be, I wish this was a prettier book.

Anderson, of course, provides some excellent colorwork. While some of his colors can be a little too “solid” in scenes where he colors the Super-Family, in other panels, like those involving Red Mist, his color work is shaded and nuanced, provide an excellent complement to Romita.


As with any Bendis book, there can be a tendency for an over-abundance of word balloons to cramp the comics panels. This issue largely avoids that (except in a Daily Planet scene), with Sharpe providing some great lettering, both in character dialogue and in some of the exposition boxes. This issue feels very kinetic, with the lettering only being minimally distracting at times.


As happy as fans are to see Conner, many of them are waiting for a changing of the guard on the Superman titles. We know Bendis’s time on the book is coming to an end. Who knows? Maybe his finale will surprise and please fans. Hopefully, every member of the Superman family will make it out alive for whatever comes next.

What did you think of Action Comics #1025? Tell us in the comments below!

Matthew Brake
Matthew Brake
Matthew Brake is the series editor for the book series Theology and Pop Culture from Lexington Books. He is also the co-editor of the forthcoming Religion and Comics series from Claremont Press. He holds degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies and Philosophy from George Mason University. He also writes for Sequart and the Blackwell Popular Culture and Philosophy blog.

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Review: ACTION COMICS #1025 - The Last Stand of Conner Kent?The Superman family is on the hunt for the Invisible Mafia, but hopefully, they all make it out alive!