Prospect is a new science fiction movie that promises to be equal parts dynamic and disturbing. The modestly budgeted film is grounded more in gritty realism than over-the-top effects or action set pieces though there are some damned pretty shots in this trailer. Prospect is set for release on November 2nd.

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About Prospect

Official Synopsis: A teenage girl and her father travel to a remote moon on the hunt for elusive riches. But there are others roving the moon’s toxic forest, and the job quickly devolves into a desperate fight to escape.

Prospect was written and directed by Christopher “Chris” Caldwell and Zeek Earl. The film is based on their own short film from 2014 of the same name. The short garnered the duo some festival awards and a lot of attention. This is also their first feature film. The full-length version stars Sophie Thatcher as the girl that’s in over her head as well as Jay Duplass and Pedro Pascal.

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Prospect features a cast that includes …

Sophie Thatcher as Cee
Pedro Pascal as Ezra
Jay Duplass as Damon
Andre Royo as Oruf
Sheila Vand as Inumon
Anwan Glover as Mikken
Trick Danneker as Jack
Luke Pitzrick as Number Two
Doug Dawson as Heshir
Arthur Deranleau as Fahr
Shepheard Earl as Conductor


Prospect certainly has the attention of a lot of science fiction fans out there. The low-key nature of the film appeals to a broad swath of viewers who like that quieter approach as opposed to blowing things up every three seconds. The trailer is filled with the same sort of tension as the phenomenal short film. Pedro Pascal’s performance as revealed in the trailer looks deliciously sinister at times.

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The concept of Prospect as a sort of science fiction gold rush in space is rich with potential storytelling. The feature builds out the world of the short with a bigger budget that provides for some interesting visuals. However, it doesn’t look like they went crazy with money and the film is still focused around the very real and down to earth (toxic alien moon?) threats facing the characters.

Watch the short film on Vimeo. 


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