Well… Are they scarier in color? Image Comics certainly hopes so, and you’ll get a chance to find out for yourself in time for Halloween. Image is re-releasing Robert Kirkman’s seminal zombie series, The Walking Dead, this October in full cover with the help of pro artist, Dave McCaig.
This updated version of the series was announced today during the Skybund Xpo, and full color will not be the only new feature. The deluxe edition, available in your LCS on October 7th, will include an assortment of variants covers and commentary notes from Kirkman recorded during the original writing. Please note, there will be no trade version of this release, so make sure to get all the issues when they’re released.
You can read all about it in Image’s full press release, along with some all-color preview pages, below.
Are you excited for a color version of The Walking Dead? Does color make it better or just…different. Let us know what you think in the Comments section, and please share this post on social media using the links below.
The pop culture phenomenon will be re-issued with colors by Dave McCaig
PORTLAND, Ore. 07/18/2020 — Read it again! Image Comics/Skybound Entertainment will revisit the historic independent series that took the entertainment world by storm 17 years ago—The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman (Fire Power, Oblivion Song) and Charlie Adlard (Vampire State Building)—with newly, fully colored issues. Featuring the stunning work of the masterful Dave McCaig, these new issues will launch in October with The Walking Dead Deluxe #1. Kirkman first announced the fully colored issues during Skybound Xpo, Skybound’s virtual pop-culture convention, earlier today.
This deluxe revival of the series will also feature a memorable array of variant covers—by such artists as David Finch, Tony Moore, Julian Totino Tedesco, and Arthur Adams—commemorating major character introductions and the series’ most memorable twists and turns. Each issue will include a new installment of “The Cutting Room Floor,” featuring Kirkman’s original handwritten plots along with commentary on abandoned storylines and plot points that may have changed along the way.
This definitive presentation of the story will NOT be collected into trade paperback any time soon, so fans and new readers should not trade-wait to experience this fully colored edition of the popular survival horror series. Issue #1 will be available on October 7. Each following month two issues will be released.
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, October 7:
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig – Diamond Code AUG200027
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover B Tony Moore & Dave McCaig – Diamond Code AUG200028
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover C Charlie Adlard – Diamond Code AUG200029
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover D Julian Totino Tedesco – Diamond Code AUG200030
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover E Arthur Adams – Diamond Code AUG200031
The Walking Dead Deluxe#1 will also be available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.
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