DC Comics’ Batgirls #1, available now, is about to give readers three for the price of one. Three Batgirls, that is. Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, Jorge Corona, Sarah Stern, and Becca Carey come together to tell this tale. All while the three Batgirls are still on the run from Seer, which means finding low-tech ways of protecting the city.

The women who share the Batgirl mantle have been having a rough go of it in recent issues. First, their beloved (and iconic) clock tower was blown to bits. Then they were framed for its destruction. And finally? They’re dealing with a new villain, one that perfectly counters Oracle and her talents.
Despite these concerns, it is fantastic to see the trio back together for their own series in Batgirls #1. If there’s one thing we know about these heroines, it is that nothing keeps them down for long. So yeah, they’re going to rally, which involves finding new ways to keep on fighting.

Batgirls #1 is every bit as charming as readers could have hoped, if not more. Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad perfectly capture three fan-favorite characters’ voices and blend them into an entertaining and energetic issue.
The sheer amount of energy in this issue allows each character’s personality to shine through. Barbara is calm, exhausted, and forming a plan. Stephanie is as bright and bubbly as ever. And Cassandra is still driven and succinct. There’s an added level of sweetness here as Barbara does her best to step up as caretaker for the other two, despite all of the complications that come with this action.
The issue starts as one might expect, with the trio in desperate need of a new sanctuary. While their new building doesn’t have the iconic look of the clocktower, it does still have a fair amount of personality. Whether or not that is a good thing remains to be seen.
That is but one of the changes portrayed in this issue, as a lot is going on. There are several threats on the horizon, not least of which being Seer. Seer has already proven to be a fascinating counter to Batgirl/Oracle, and it will be interesting to see how this character develops over time.

If you think the characters and their personality within Batgirls #1 are bright, just wait until you see the artwork! The characters are expressive, the colors pop off the pages, and the action sequences demand attention.
Jorge Corona’s take on the three Batgirls is shockingly brilliant. It’s easy to see minute details on each of their faces, from Barbara’s exhaustion to Cassandra’s battle for control over her own life.
A thousand little details grab the eye, thanks partially to the coloring by Sarah Stern. To say that Stern’s colors are vibrant almost feels like an understatement. They’re the bright neon hues that only street art seems to capture, and yet here they are on the pages for us to adore.
Becca Carey’s lettering is the grounding feature necessary for this issue. The words help keep readers on track, guiding us from one panel to the next. It’s impressive how well-done the lettering is here, as they don’t remotely get lost in the sea of action, details, and colors.

Batgirls #1 is the start of something fun and new. In other words, it’s going to be the perfect read for any Batgirl fan — regardless of which one you adore. Given how quickly this issue dives into the thick of things, it’s going to be a blast seeing what happens next.