Netflix and Lagunitas: Binge Worthy Beers For Your Bender

Netflix and Chill? OR Netflix and Lagunitas?

Netflix has become that thing that we all do. You know, take an entire weekend on the couch and binge watch the next hot series, or that show you’ve seen 1000 times. If you’re a beer drinker, you have your brew of choice sitting right next to you at all times. Which beers would be the best for your bender?

This is where the session beer comes in. The session, being that a beer that you can drink over a longer period of time due to the lack of ABVs, has Netflix written all over it. Sessions aren’t for everyone, but pretty much any beer with a low alcohol content works in this situation if you want to keep a light buzz.

Hoppy IPA

There are those who like to get drunk and watch, and for those folks, I recommend the India Pale Ale. They have a high ABV and are delightfully hoppy and full in flavor. For a great go-to IPA, Elysian Space Dust is a wonderful option. From Seattle, the 8.2% “totally nebular IPA’ is one that will take your taste buds out of this world.

Let’s say you want something fruity and girly to go with ‘Gilmore Girls.’ You aren’t a beer person, but drinking fruity drinks all day will give you a headache. Go for a cider or a fruity hefeweizen. Cider Boys has several ciders that taste like juice but aren’t so sugary you will die. Rory Gilmore would appreciate First Press, the apple cider that relates to her career.

Theme beers are a wonderful thing, in fact, pick a beer that represents the show you are watching right now. Choose a beer for each character and story line. You’ll have a magical line up of beers, and you won’t ever get bored!

What is your binge-worthy beer of choice?

Discuss in the comments!

Until next time beer snobs.

Devon Kenney
Devon Kenney
A Washingtonian born and raised, trying to make my way in Indiana. A nerd from head to toe. In love with craft beer, horror, and Hall and Oates. Graduate from Academy of Art University with a degree in Screenwriting. Find me on Twitter and Instagram @Nightynight34

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