
The story slowly starts to move with captivating art around the way.


As Jareth continues his tale to Toby, more of the history behind the Labyrinth is revealed. Does the issue help to build the intrigue or get lost somewhere along the way?


When Maria finds no answers from her lover, she makes a desperate plea for help and soon finds herself face to face with the being holding her child, The Owl King.


The plot for this issue starts slow but ramps up very fast. Using the resources available to her, Maria makes it a point to ask Albert what is going on, and he tells Maria how he sold his child to the goblins. When she gets no answers afterward, Maria is approached by the previous ruler of the Labyrinth, The Owl King. This new threat gives her the same challenge Jared gave to Sarah. She must complete the Labyrinth if she wishes to retrieve her son. The story unfolds in a way which is entertaining and once Maria returns to the land of Labyrinth things get random and unexpected.

Writer Simon Spurrier makes sure the story doesn’t rely on too heavily on using established characters show up from the original film (at least not yet). This is actually to the benefit of the series. As a prequel, it’s important to have elements which distinguish it from the material but at the same time have references which don’t feel out of place. So far, the series is making sure to handle this balance properly.



The art work for this second issue doesn’t show any decrease in quality from the previous one. The inks and pencils Daniel Bayliss leave a lasting impression. This is especially true with the Owl King. His design feels like something which would come out of the Jim Henson creation studios.

Dan Jackson’s color work helps to convey a sense of emotional distress and lack of hope which the characters are feeling in the comic. You can feel the pain through the use of color without even a single word in the panel.

Thanks to the lettering by Jim Campbell, the characters continue to have their own voice. The disturbing type of font used for the Owl King is of particular note. It presents him as evil and soulless.


The series moves in a way which feels natural and captivating at the same time. If fans were not drawn in by the first issue, then this should help seal the deal and show why this issue should be picked up. Labyrinth: Coronation is proving to be one of the must read fantasy comics of 2018.

Anthony Wendel
Anthony Wendel
Anthony is a geek through and through who still looks forward to new releases, sneak peeks, Giant Monsters, and robots of all shapes and sizes. He loves animation of all shapes and sizes. He has a distinct apprehension for trolling and clips shows. His books, The Handbook for Surviving A Giant Monster Attack and Santa Claus Conquers Manos: The Hands of Fate are available on Amazon.

What do you think?

More Of The Owl King In JIM HENSON’S LABYRINTH: CORONATION #2The story slowly starts to move with captivating art around the way.