Monkeys Fighting Robots

As Boom Studios moves closer to beginning “Shattered Grid”, the first event book between Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Go Go Power Rangers, Kyle Higgins uses this issue to set up what to expect in the crossover.


On top of dealing with what Billy has discovered, the Power Ranger must deal with Finsters’s monster surfacing all over the planet.


This story is a mixed bag. Finster plot seems thrown out in favor of getting ready for Shattered Grid. Since the first storyline came to an end, the new plot has revolved around the idea Finister has planted hidden monsters all across the world and can activate them at any moment. This has led to an element of suspense and dread as there was no telling where the monsters would appear. Unfortunately, Rita isn’t patient and orders Finsister to release them all at once which leads to their ultimate downfall. Kind of anticlimactic when you get down to it.

On the other hand, the parts of the issue which are meant to lead towards “Shattered Grid” are phenomenal. Kyle Higgins starts right off by showcasing how things are going to change and nothing is safe as the story unfolds. This is as much as can be said without giving away spoilers. Needless to say it’s really good but points must be take off for the Finister plot wrap up.

Power Rangers


The artwork for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #24 is up at the usual level of quality which has come from this series. The pencils and inks by Jonas Scharf offer a visually pleasing way of presenting how the action is unfolding all at once. Especially the creative panel layout helping to showcase what is going on in the world at the same time.

The coloring offers some great effects and intensifies the action scenes. Joanna LaFuente has an eye for keeping the colors perfect depending on the situation despite the characters teleporting to different times of the day through the book.

The dialogue by Ed Dunshire helps to make the action feel alive. The sound effects and emphasis drives the point home of what to expect as event unfold. A true success of good lettering is helping to add to the action and not draw away from it.


The Power Rangers comics by Boom Studios have been a joy to read and review. With the approach of Shattered Grid, you owe it to yourself to pick up this book so you are ready for what will come. You will not be disappointed if you do.