With comic book annuals, the usual format is to have the book be filled with short stories involving the cast. This is because the main book couldn’t break from a long plot arc. This is the case with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2017 Annual, where the five stories which are presented tell a brief story which helps to spotlight different characters. How do the five stories stack up? Let’s try something different and review each individually. Scores come from a combination of art and story.
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Writer Kyle Higgins shows a side from his main Power Ranger story as he tells of the other Tommy who ended up being swayed by Rita. A fair bit of art by Gori Montes with a lot of good expression work helps to start off the annual in a great way.
Trini’s Vacation
Trini, the yellow ranger, hasn’t had a lot of time to shine in the new series so having a short story of her own is a perfect idea. Writer Tom Taylor tells a story of Trini just trying to have a peaceful day but finds it’s a bit hard to do when you’re a Power Ranger. The art by Dan Mora is especially impressive as Trini is unable to call her Zord and has to jump at a giant monster by herself.
Forever Mighty Morphin Black
Jamal Campbell both wrote and illustrated this story about Zack being called to help fight a mysterious enemy. Aiding him in the fight is different black rangers from other dimensions. The story results in a very memorable two page spread featuring an army of black rangers. It’s the kind of spread you wished you could get framed so you could put on the all.
Once again writer Terry Moore steals the spotlight in the Power Rangers Annual. Much like his previous story which, this one touches on the backstory of a villain character and makes the audience truly feel for them. The art by Frazer Irving utilizes the chiaroscuro (use of light and shadow) style which helps to make the issue so memorable. The entire issue is worth purchasing just for this story.
Sabrina’s Day Out
The annual ends on a lighthearted story about Goldar and Scorpina having a day off from fighting the bad guys. Writer Caitlin Kittredge crafts a fun story with a very comedic tone. The art by Dajung Lee with Sarah Stern on colors helps to set the mood for an entertaining story.
Another fantastic issue of the Power Rangers comic. Take the time to pick up this annual when you are at your local store.