Meet The Podcasts! Amateur Podcast Championships 2016

The Something Something Cast

James Hatton

Episode 80 – Zombie Survival Team

The Something Something Cast came into existence 4 years ago when friends James and Rob reconnected after many years. What do they talk about? Pretty much everything, from movies to TV shows, music to books, the pop culture world is their oyster. They’ve grown from 48 Twitter followers and 5-7 regular listeners to 2500 followers and averaging 200 listeners per episode through nothing but their drive and moxie. A Zero to Hero’s sidekick story if ever there was one!

The Story Behind

Emily Prokop

The Story Behind is a twice-a-week, short narrative-style podcast exploring the history of everyday objects. This is the host’s second podcast — her first being the now-canceled Classy Little Podcast. But from doing that show for a year, she’s taken her professional-sounding podcasting skills and her love of random trivia and history to her new show.

No episode is just “the was invented by so-and-so in whatever-year and became a thing.” Emily is known for questioning the everyday and their origins and, most likely, finds out the interesting history of its invention, the inventor(s) and/or how it has impacted culture and society through today.

Every episode is 5-15 minutes, which makes it awesome for binge-listeners who have told her they like to save up a few weeks’ worth of episodes. And other listeners have told her they use episodes to fill tiny gaps in their commutes.

She works hard at putting out a quality show with superior quality and incorporates other podcasters as voice actors for quotes within the show. Listeners will walk away from the show with some conversation fodder and, hopefully, an appreciation for the story behind everyday objects, people and places.

The Talking Geek

Quills Rodriguez

We are a group of artistic geeks who have a variety of likes within the world of geekdom. With a cast of 5 we can geek out over everything. We cover comic books, video games, tech gadgets, tv shows, and all things pop culture. Which we think would be a great fit for your site.

We try our hardest to cater to all types of fans and really hope to propel our podcast forward in the upcoming year. Our goal is to eventually be able to dedicate ourselves full time to our podcast and adding additional segments to our episodes.
The episode attached is one of our general episodes. We do have more hectic passion filled hilarious episodes. Which also helps our audience have a better balance with regards to our shows.


Crispin Read

A fortnightly, interactive movie club. It’s not a list of must see films, it’s not the best of this or worst of that, it’s not arthouse classics or unsung heroes, and we aim to cover as many genres as possible. Every film we pick however will have some sort of personal significance for one of us, some sort of backstory…
At the end of every episode we’ll tell our listeners what film we will be talking about next time. They watch the film and tell us what they think via Facebook and Twitter.
We’ll watch the film and tell everyone what we think on the next episode.

Jim (co-host) sent me a text one day saying we should do a podcast together. We both had the equipment already as he is a musician and I used to podcast years ago. More than anything, we use it as a way to keep in touch, Jim and I grew up together but now live miles apart.

We wanted to do a podcast that 1) we would both listen too if it were not us and 2) that we would continue to do even if no-one was listening.

We share a love of film and have both seen A LOT of movies but tend not to talk about them a great deal when we meet up. The way we would like to talk about a film is not the way our wives or friends like to talk about a film i.e. for an hour. The film club idea followed easily from that ~ and now we take it in turns to choose a film to watch and discuss. Sometimes it is a film one of us has not seen or one that we think we ought to watch or would like to watch again, sometimes it is a film that we know we both love but have not really talked about. Hopefully they are not obvious choices, they are not from best-of-this or worst-of-that lists, they are films that have made an impact on us in some way – the films that are worth talking about and worth watching again.

Every film is easy to get hold of – we only choose films that are easily available for rent – not ones that are licensed only for subscription services
It’s a unique list – not the best of or must see list, sometimes they are not even good films but they are always films worth seeing again, and talking about
The film club aspect means it is interactive – listeners are encouraged to tell us what they think
We are not experts and we don’t profess to be – it is all just opinion and very light hearted
Only about half of what we talk about tends to be the actual film, we often spend more time talking about interesting things that talking about the film has led us to talk about for example the Bechdel test, or the fragility of the American dream.

This Was Rad!

Greg Moberg

We buck the standard retro movie podcast by having the antithesis of the standard movie podcast host, a 14 year old girl who hasn’t grown up with the movies being discussed. Rather than let belief become fait accompli, Willow bucks some of these assumed thoughts by being present and lending her own voice and perspective. It can be a challenge to hear someone from the younger generation say your favorite movie is “meh” to them.

One of things we do best is give more fuel to argument that films embody the time and culture of their release. To view these films without the context and personal history leads to a vastly different experience. Few films can stand the test of time, especially to an American teenager.

In this episode if someone screams ‘get to da choppa!’ you get to the chopper otherwise you become a trophy for the Predator! The 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle where an elite group of military commandos are taken out one by one by an alien hunter. In this cast, Willow opens up about her feelings on Arny himself, Greg asks if there’s a predator twitch stream, and we imagine the only place to get all your predator hunting supplies the Predator Emporium! All this as we ask, why there not more Jesse “the body” Ventura?

Travel Stories Podcast

Hayden Lee

Launched in April 2016, Travel Stories Podcast seeks to be different to the typical travel podcast.

Focusing more on entertainment and inspiration than education, each episode includes a travel story from a seasoned world traveler, showcased on a backdrop of foley sound (sound and environmental effects to enhance the story) and an original composition (from composer; Cody Crabb).

Coupled with informal interview sections before and after, this story section helps each episode act as travel inspiration for travelers and future travelers in over 150 countries.

Production, editing, composition, foley sound and writing is all handled by our small team with big visions, and we hope to be fulfilling those visions moving forward into 2017.

Twisted Philly

Deana-Marie Travetti

It took me 47 years to finally live my passion. TwistedPhilly is more than just a podcast; it’s my unfiltered creative expression finally released. TwistedPhilly is “real and raw,” as one listener described it. The show is you and me hanging out in my living room with a cocktail or two while I tell you my favorite twisted stories about my hometown. Everyone who listens says they as if they’re talking to a friend, and don’t we all need a few more friends (even if this one cusses sometimes, laughs at herself and even cries while podcasting.)

Two Fruits

Nick DeBeaubien

We started Two Fruits as both a creative outlet to discuss pop culture stories we love as well as to provide an outlet for queer and trans voices to share their experiences. Two Fruits is a window into our daily lives and conversations and allows us to make light and laughter from the stories that unite us all. We believe Two Fruits is a unique contribution to the podcast community and serves as a platform and home for LGBTQ+ individuals online. Not only do we have the opportunity to discuss reality TV and singing divas, but also to help those in our community tackle issues with which they may struggle. Our favorite moment from this podcast series was on Episode 7 where we discussed a listener question about LGBTQ+ self-acceptance and coming out.

Thank you so much for allowing our little podcast to join your competition!

The Two Fruits

Two Peas on a Podcast

Gerald Morris

We discuss the serious news stories and hot topics of the day, but with a positive spin. We always try to show folks the bright side even though the news may be pretty dark. We have a blast doing it!


Brad Paschal

UFC 206 Recap and Fight Night Sacramento Picks

Well first off it about fighting. Fighters stick together.

We are all about doing outside the box things like having Jody Holland, face reader, on the podcast to pick fights based other their face structures.

We already have secured sponsors like Good Feet Mobile and Jody Holland Speaking and Training.

There is relatively low competition. MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world.


Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
