Meet The Podcasts! Amateur Podcast Championships 2016


Joseph Marshall

In an overcrowded, uninspiring sea of fantasy football podcasts, we offer a plethora of knowledge and an edgier take as we are labled explocit. We’ve grown tremendously in the 10 weeks we’ve been recording. We started recording from our cell phones in my basement and sending the untouched product to our froends and league mates which they enjoyed and gave us great feedback, both good and bad. From there we upgraded our equipment and editing software and went through the channels to become available on itunes. Weve grown from 5-10 listeners a week to 250 listeners per episode in a short time. Our goal is to give people a high level of insight and knowledge on our topic as well as getting a few laughs along the way. We would love some professional feedback and insight. Thanks for the consideration.

PreRecorded Live!

Matthew Heyman

Because we are the definition of an amateur podcast and we are winners. #TigerBlood We work hard to improve the quality of our show and our moms say we are very special and talented.

Punch Drunk Allies

Brad Thomas

56 Taking A Beating

We are a young podcast that deals in crude humour that sometimes touches on sincere subjects, we create original segments and games to play on the air. I believe that our show is produced well and with the ability to reach a larger audience we could generate more listener participation and continue to create new and funny content that could brighten someone’s day, if only 1 person’s day. It was this type of radio that I fell in love with that made me want to start the Punch Drunk Allies Show, and even if it never grows any larger my co-hosts and I will continue to do what it is that we do for the love of the game. Thank you for consideration of our show.

Rogue Squadron Podcast

Cody Boyce

We like to use beer to float between Star Wars, comedy, and general nerd topics. Keeping it chill, the aesthetic is that you’re in the room kicking it with us, having some conversations with your goofy friends.

But, instead of our self-involved rambling, here’s an iTunes review:

“Really enjoying this podcast. They stay true to the name and make it about Star Wars but they also take little detours to geek out about other topics. It gives it a nice pacing and maintains interest. The format took an episode or two to get used to but once you’re in it all you want to do is hang out with your friends, talk about Star Wars and whatever other topic that spawns. Great guys, great show.”

Saturdays With Chickenduck

Casey Schearer

We are an up and coming podcast.

A long time ago, two kids had an idea for a cartoon. Like their lives, that idea never amounted to anything. Now 20 years later, that idea has become a reality, as a podcast that has nothing to do with the original idea of the cartoon. James Adam and Casey Schearer bring to you, Saturdays With Chickenduck

School of Schlock

Tom Witty

School of Schlock takes a deep-dive on individual B-movies, examining not just why they’re bad or inadvertently funny, but what, if any, redeeming qualities they might possess and also what less-than-savory tropes and themes they might use. We combine this discussion with plot review and trivia surrounding the film’s creation and its creators, mixing in plenty of good humor along the way. We think discussion of B-movies can be entertaining, informative, and thought-provoking all at the same time, and that’s what we seek to provide in every episode of School of Schlock.

Screen Addicts


Christmas with the Addicts!

We strive to be better and better with each episode! But what may set us apart from all other is that we have been friends for over 20 years and the fact that all we stay in contact every day like we are family shows up in our show! We are Truly brothers and weather we get a huge following or not we will continue to do this because it’s fun for us!

Screen The Screener College Basketball Podcast

Mike Randle

We are two insanely passionate guys about the sport of college basketball. There simply aren’t many good podcasts available for college basketball and we have started an aggressive campaign to become the best! It would be a complete honor to be considered for the championships and we know that with the support of we could get the jump start we really need towards that goal!

Secular Yakking

Robert Ray

Our podcasts offer a look at the secular and atheist community from the view of a married couple who work as secular activist. We have fun and talk about things you may not hear on other podcasts.

Sparks Radio Podcast

Matt Sparker


Is there another News-Trivia-Gameshow podcast done with a standup comedian every week? We’re not sure, but that’s what we’ve been doing for the past 3 years! Radio guy – Sparks – challenges stand-up comedians to take on the weeks latest news stories and more! Full of ongoing jokes, lowbrow humor, and a heavy dose of self-deprecation, this show goes down easier than a (insert good analogy)! Play along and see if you score more points and know the news better than these comedians!


Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
