Meet The Podcasts! Amateur Podcast Championships 2016

Videogame BANG!

Cory Vincent

My name is Cory Vincent and I am the co-creator of the Videogame BANG! In 2013 I was at the lowest point in my life. My wife and I had lost a pregnancy, my father relapsed into a life of drugs, and I was dealing with hypochondria and depression. My friend Aaron and I had kicked around the idea of starting a podcast for months and with nothing to lose one day we just started and 3 years later we have never stopped or taken a break. My mental health issues have long since passed.. We have traveled across 2 states doing the show live, been invited as guest speakers at conventions as large as San Diego Comic Con and have even partaken in building our own 100% custom podcasting studio that was even featured on International Podcast Day.

For the Full Story of VGB and pictures of the custom studio:


Walter Eggers


Being a newly single dad in a time of ultimate turmoil has tested every fiber of my being. In addition to being injured and unemployed I started a podcast from scratch in order to cope and help others with being a newly single father. After discovering and listening to podcasts for only 4 months I started with training wheels not even knowing how to use my new Macbook in January 2016. I built my show every step of the way and continued to educate myself in digital recording, web design, SEO, social media platforms, software, hardware, and all other elements. I launched in March 2016 after beginning this journey and progressed to a weekly podcast and have connected with professionals, authors, renowned medical professionals and even Navy SEALS. In addition to my podcast I have created and built a brick and mortar side business to fund my life style and continue the freedom that podcasting has created for me. I have established and fostered incredible relationships with otherwise unreachable people. I started my own group of men and continue to change their lives for the better providing encouragement, tactics, wisdom and entertainment. I have even created a podcast production company and now produce one of the top level shows in my niche. I am proud of my accomplishments in 2016 and hope to show that anyone can make a difference if they put their entire soul into it and are prepared to work and sacrifice. I believe in the power of podcasts and am yet another testament that it can change lives.

We’re Alive FanCast

Britton Scritchfield

We’re covering a Serialized Audio Drama so yes we’re a podcast that loves podcasts.

We’re doing it for free and having fun! Seriously if I could ever do this full time I’d never look back. We’re family friendly so you can listen with kids in ear shot.


West and Sparks TIMED Podcast

Matt Sparker


The clock rules all during this show. It’s a TIMED podcast, so there’s no time for lollygagging. Each segment must last at least 1 minute, after that we can decide if the segment should go longer than 1 minute by yelling “1 MORE MINUTE”…but that takes away from the other segments allotted time – BECAUSE THE PODCAST CAN ONLY LAST 30 MINUTES! Their anti-pretentious delivery and self-deprecating humor will take you through the weeks events with show staples like “News That Matters” and “The Weekly Drone!”

Wingman Up!

Michael McCarthy

Myself and my co-host Warren like to talk and discuss everything entertains us and want to share our random knowledge. We love what we do and want to do it more often, just need that little boost. I also run a magazine that we incorporate into the podcast and vice-versa, so by winning it helps out the podcast and the magazine. Whether it be video games, movies, comics or tv shows we love to talk about, make fun of it or analyze it. Building a brand can be difficult, but with the right help and the right people it is always attainable.

YMM Podcast

Todd (Toddske) Hillier

Episode 127 – The New Fort Mac Conversation

The YMM Podcast has been recording episodes from Fort McMurray, Alberta Canada since 2011. Our primary goal was to talk about real stories from real people living a small town with an incredibly large reputation (we are home to the Alberta Oilsands, a very large oil mining operation). Since we’ve started, our show has expanded to commentary on pop culture and current events from around the world. This episode specifically is about how our city of 88,000 people was evacuated due to Forest Fires in May 2016. Our city suffered a devastating blow with over 2500 homes destroyed but miraculously no one was directly injured. We used this show to reach out to the people of city as well as those who supported us from around the world as a thank-you. The four regular hosts (Toddske, Tito, Ashley and Steve who unfortunately missed out on this episode recording) strive to bring some colourful and thoughtful commentary to the world around them as often as they can but there is also a self-serving reason for this podcast; to have four friends get together to simply chit-chat about life!

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
