Marvel’s C2E2 2020: Ultraman, EMPYRE, And Lots of Swords

Marvel Comics made a lot of news at this year’s C2E2 convention. Buckle up and we’ll try to hit the big items below:

Silk a.k.a. Cindy Moon, the Korean Spider-Man spinoff character, will be getting her own series this July from writer Maurene Goo and artist Takeshi Miyazawa. Goo said in a statement that followed the announcement, “The opportunity to write a Korean American super hero—a woman, no less—is one that I never thought would come my way.”

C2E2 Silk

Japan’s Ultraman arrives at Marvel in a five-issue limited series by Kyle Higgins, Mat Groom, and Francesco Manna. This follows from the publisher’s partnership with Tsuburaya Productions announced last year.

C2E2 Ultraman


The big X-Men event of 2020 was also unveiled at C2E2: July’s 15-part X of Swords, where ten mutants will wield different legendary blades from across the Marvel Universe against a yet-to-be-revealed threat. Writers Jonathan Hickman and Tini Howard will be the primary drivers behind the event.

C2E2 X of swords

And speaking of events, with Empyre almost upon us, Marvel revealed more tie-in titles at the title’s C2E2 panel. They include three Lords of Empyre one-shots: Emperor Hulkling by Chip Zdarsky, Anthony Oliveira, and Manual Garcia; Celestial Messiah by Alex Paknadel and Alex Lins; The Swordsman by Paknadel and Thomas Nachlik.

C2E2 empyre swordsman

Additional tie-ins will be The Invasion of Wakanda by Jim Zub and Lan Medina; Storm Ranger by Saladin Ahmed and Steven Cummings; Empyre: Spider-Man by Taran Killam and Diego Olortegui; and Empyre: Captain America by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Ariel Olivetti. The Fantastic Four and Avengers main titles will be doing much of the heavy lifting.

Old school Marvel fans will not only appreciate the return of the Swordsman, but the amount of groundwork being laid to tie this new event into the Kree-Skrull War of old.

C2E2 was only the first in a long line of conventions for the year, so more reveals are no doubt on the way. Keep an eye on for these and other upcoming titles.

Kevin Sharp
Kevin Sharp
From alternating Batman & Green Lantern as childhood Halloween costumes, to getting punched in my adolescent heart by Love & Rockets, to playing convention sidekick to the legendary Len Wein, I feel like the comics medium & characters are part of my DNA.

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