Marvel Threatens To Cancel UNCANNY X-MEN In Announcement Notice

Uncanny X-Men returns in November with a 10-part weekly story titled X-MEN DISASSEMBLED, and according to Marvel, it could very well be the X-Men’s FINAL mission!

Wait for a second, did Marvel announce a new ongoing series and then overhype the new series to the point that all the X-Men die at the end of the story? Let’s look through this press release one more time.

From MarvelThis November, UNCANNY X-MEN returns with a new ongoing series, and it all kicks off with a massive 10-part weekly story! X-MEN DISASSEMBLED brings together nearly every mutant left on earth in a story that threatens to destroy them – an epic tale of mystery and tragic disappearance, with an adventure so earth-shattering, it could very well be the X-Men’s FINAL mission!

Yeah, they did. Apparently, whoever survives the first ten issues will be part of the ongoing series. Now we have to wait and see if X-MEN DISASSEMBLED is HYPE or OVERHYPE.

This is the type of press release that comic book fans are tired of. Every story arc doesn’t need to be a massive event that changes the face of Marvel Comics. Readers want good stories drawn by good artists. Overhyping an event leads to disappointment. In my head, if five X-Men don’t die in the first ten issues, then I think X-MEN DISASSEMBLED is OVERHYPED.

The creative team on the book is impressive. The Uncanny X-Men writing team features Ed Brisson, Kelly Thompson, and Matthew Rosenberg, with art by Mahmud Asrar, R.B. Silva, Yildiray Cinar and Pere Pérez. Leinil Francis Yu is in charge of covers.

Uncanny X-Men hits your local comic book store on November 14.

Are you excited for the return of Uncanny X-Men? Comment below with your thoughts.

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.

What do you think?
