Marvel Teases New X-Men Team, ResurreXion Nears

Inhumans Vs. X-Men finally ends this week with the release of it’s sixth issue. That means that X-Fans are one step closer to ResurreXion; thank goodness. It’s time for mutants to return to their former glory! Marvel also dropped another bit of news on their Twitter, teasing another new X-Men team.

x-men team resurrexion

The only release information they’ve provided so far is that this new team is “Coming June 2017.” Apparently this is the comic series “fans have been demanding!” Does that mean it’s a team composed of fan-favorite mutants? Or that it’s a series fans have been asking to be brought back?

I get the sense that this mystery title will most likely be an X-Force book. Of all the ReurreXion titles announced, X-Force is not among them. So far only X-Men: Blue, X-Men: Gold, X-Men Prime, Generation X, and Weapon X are the only team books. Along with solo series’ for Jean Grey, Cable, and Iceman.

X-Men x-force

Who could these mystery mutants be? Clearly two of them (at the top) are gun toting characters, one seems to have hair while the other clearly does not. If we’re going by Marvel’s claim of “fans demanding” this team, these two would probably be Cable and Deadpool.

On the right side, under what I assume is Deadpool (or Fantomex), appears to be a character with long, flowing hair. Assuming this is a popular female character, and jumping to conclusions on hairstyle, this might be Rogue. According to this Ranker poll that 21,000 people voted on, Rogue is the most popular X-Men character.

These are just my best guesses, Marvel could always be pulling a fast one on us. The rest this image could be entirely composed of Doop, Morph, and misleadingly shaped debris. One thing is certain however, a shift in focus on the X-Men is near.

Soon enough, we devoted “mutant activists” will have a pull-list full of X-Men titles once again. Our beloved mutant heroes will be getting the attention and appreciation they deserve. We just need to make it through one more IVX issue. ResurreXion begins this Spring.

x-men prime resurrexion

What do you think this new series will be? Which character do you think populate the rest of the team? Will ResurreXion deliver or disappoint? Let us know in the comments!


Brandon J. Griffin
Brandon J. Griffin
New Jersey scum who worships comic books like religious literature. Yell at me on Twitter @griffunk

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