LUMBERJANES #69, out this Wednesday from Boom! Box brings our Lumberjanes to a classic moment in their series: they are finally to learn how to cut down a tree, properly. Fans will enjoy the irony of that situation, while being fascinated with the mystery forming.

Lumberjanes #69 is the start of a whole new plot for our endearing Lumberjanes. Having just witnessed a battle between two goddesses, you’d think they’d want a bit of a cool down. But apparently bored Lumberjanes = troublesome Lumberjanes.

The Plot
Lumberjanes #69 is an issue set in two different timelines. One is set firmly in the past, telling the story of past Lumberjanes. While the other is the tale of the Roanoke cabin we’ve come to love so much. Oh, and did we mention that the Lumberjanes are finally (finally!) learning how to cut down trees; hard to believe that hasn’t happened before now, given their namesake.
Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh have done it again. They’ve woven together a deceptively simple plot, one that will bring the Lumberjanes up again something new and intriguing. That inevitably means that they’ll be getting into some sort of trouble. But considering this whole plot started with them being punished for misbehaving (read: carving their names into a tree), that was probably to be expected.
The element of the two timelines was an especially nice touch. It hinted at an adventure yet to come for our campers, while also raising our curiosity about the campers of the past. The balance between the past and present has always been carefully honed in this series, with the line becoming thinner in plots such as these.
Along with being a plot filled with mystery, this issue had a few fun pieces of information as well. Or at least, it’s fun if you’re the type hoping to learn more about trees. This little tidbit did make Molly come off even more endearing than ever, which didn’t feel possible before now.

The Art
Lumberjanes #69 was a bright and colorful issue, with the campers trekking out into the woods to learn the fine skill of cutting down trees. Or rather, the timeline set in the present is all bright and colorful.
The timeline of the past is, very appropriately, colored in sepia tones. It made a clear distinction between the past and the present, while also hinting at how far past these events really were. In short, it was all perfectly handled.
Kanesha C. Bryant and Julia Madrigal were the lead artists for this issue, and they’re the ones responsible for the dynamic scenes, as well as the growing sense of mystery in this issue. Meanwhile,
Maarta Laiho is the one behind the color palette we already discussed. And finally, Aubrey Aiese was the letterer for this issue – and their sound effects were sublime.

In Conclusion
Lumberjanes #69 was a brilliant start to a new plot arc, proving that this series is far from over. And thank goodness for that fact. The intrigue and air of mystery were exceptionally handled in this issue, making readers eager to see what will happen next.