Kevin Smith isn’t shy about his love for the Star Wars franchise, nor his friendship with Episode IX director J.J Abrams. As host of the podcast Fatman Beyond, formally Fatman on Batman, with writer and co-host Marc Bernardin, Smith stated he contacted Abrams following a theory he’d heard while talking with Brian Volk–Weiss.
“We were talking about Star Wars: The Clone Wars coming back, and I said to him, ‘I got a theory that’s the way to start introducing Ahsoka slowly into the live-action movies by bringing her back prominently in the cartoon,’” Smith said during a Fatman Beyond podcast. “Because now that they don’t have Princess Leia stories to tell, they need another strong female character in the universe [Episode IX] and Ahsoka’s been there for years, much beloved, just isn’t in the movies.”
Kevin Smith Thoughts On Ahsoka Tano

What Kevin Smith might not know, is Dave Filoni holds complete control over Ahsoka Tano’s character. Not J.J. Abrams. Filoni is very protective of Ahsoka. And he has every right to be since he created her character.
Many Clone Wars fans didn’t like Ahsoka at first, but as animated series progressed, Snips became a fan-favorite. Voiced by Ashley Eckstein, many fans (especially female) look up to Ahsoka.
Kevin Smith went on to say in his podcast, “So I was like, ‘I think maybe they’re doing that, so they can slowly bring her into the movies.’ And then Brian [Volk–Weiss] blows my mind by going, ‘Maybe that’s who Keri Russell’s playing?’ And then I said, ‘What the f-ck, man?! I wanna see your version of Star Wars!’”
Smith continued his theory but stating, “’No, that can’t be it, I think Keri Russell probably plays Rey’s mom [in Episode IX],’ and then he drops the bomb and he goes, ‘What if it’s the same person?’”
While the theory would certainly delight fans across the board, it most likely isn’t the case. Despite fandoms divisive stance on the subject, Rian Johnson has been firm with his decision in making Rey’s parents nobody’s. Having Ahsoka be Rey’s mom would counter Johnson’s take on the Force. In that, anyone can be a strong Force wielder, not just those with Skywalker blood.
Could Kevin Smith sway J.J. Abrams and Dave Filoni to change what Rian Johnson established? Could this be the big twist in Episode IX? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And “may the Force be with you, always.”
Source Comic Book and Fatman Beyond