Monkeys Fighting Robots

The Marvel cinematic universe began 10 years ago with the release of Iron Man. Since then, Marvel Studios has released 19 films in total, with gems such as Captain America: The Winter Solider, Black Panther, and, most recently, Avengers: Infinity War.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige sent out a thank you letter to fans around the globe, for not only making Infinity War the biggest opening weekend of all time, but for following the MCU for an incredible 10 years.

“The past ten years have been an unforgettable ride and we couldn’t have done it without the entire team at Marvel Studios, our incredible talent in front of and behind the camera, the visionary comic book creators, but most importantly you.


Thank you for embracing these characters and stories since we kicked off the MCU ten years ago. This past weekend was a result beyond our wildest dreams.


On behalf of everyone here at Marvel Studios, we thank you for being the best fans in the universe and making Avengers: Infinity War the biggest opening weekend of all time.”

The Marvel cinematic universe is truly one of the greatest accomplishments in film history. A cohesive, well established, interesting shared cinematic universe has never been done on a scale like this before. Not only did Iron Man kick off a slew of amazing comic book films, it put the spotlight on an art form forgotten by some: comic books.

Without the popularity of superheroes in film, comic books wouldn’t be near the level of popularity they are today. With characters like the Avengers making millions upon millions on the big screen, the comic book market has also grown year to year. Fans are eager to read about these characters when they’re not watching them on screen, and some would say this is partly due to Iron Man kicking off the MCU.

How many times did you see Avengers: Infinity War in its opening weekend? Comment below, let us know!

Monkeys Fighting Robots Assistant Editor-in-Chief. Along with my work here, I'm a staff writer for Enthusiast Gaming. I have a passion for entertainment media. Follow me on Twitter to talk all things pop culture!