‘Jason Bourne’ – First Look Super Bowl Spot

The best thing about Super Bowl by far is the awesome new trailers and teasers we get for upcoming films. We’ve already had the Captain America: Civil War one this evening.

It’s now time to welcome back Matt Damon in this first look at the new Bourne film Jason Bourne.

In this trailer we get brief flashes of a much leaner Bourne than before. It looks like he’s been watching Fight Club and can be seen taking down a couple of opponents with ease. We also find out he now remembers everything about his past. Could this now mean that he is on a path of revenge or is he still trying to keep a low profile.

Now for your viewing pleasure, here is the first look at Jason Bourne, and he looks more badass than ever.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37EDxGkzS_Y[/embedyt]

Keep your eyes peeled for the other trailers throughout this evening.


Lee Westney
Lee Westney
I am a 36 year old man child who has vey serious addiction to film/TV/comics and superheroes. I live in sunny Bristol with my wife who has just about come to terms with how big a nerd I am and my 2 kids. I love having a good old natter about all things geeky related so please feel free to get in touch with theories you may have or any bits of info. But!! Please no spoilers!

What do you think?
