Denny stoops to new lows as he drags others into his final 48 hours of life while enacting an asinine plan in IDW’s, I CAN SELL YOU A BODY #2, in a morgue near you.

Don’t be caught dead not keeping up with I Can Sell You A Body, check out our review for the first issue, or pick it up from your local comic shop.
Writer Ryan Ferrier quickly sets the stage for the future issues of I Can Sell You A Body with a quick visit to Vatican City. It isn’t a long stay, yet Ferrier uses these pages to set up more antagonists for the unlucky Denny. Tonally this scene is akin to the whole issue. But, it feels as if it shouldn’t be. I Can Sell You A Body #2 reads like a jokebook with constant jokes. At times this comedy hits perfectly, yet in others, it would bode well to have a few serious moments. That’s not a dig at the tone of the book, as it wears its humor on its sleeve. Nonetheless, moments (especially Vatican City) could’ve benefited from a different demeanor.
The highlight of I Can Sell You A Body continues to be its main character, Denny Little. Throughout the little bits of history Ferrier sprinkles in, it seems the masses know and hate him. Hopefully, in the future issues (or a spin-off), Ferrier delves into these stories more. Yet, an interesting main character can only drive a story so far. Luckily, Ferrier keeps the plot remarkably interesting by diving deeper into Denny’s powers. The extent of his powers aren’t exactly shown, but we do learn Denny can raise multiple dead bodies at once. We learn this in a foolish plan that is hilarious but fails like much of the stuff in his life.
Ferrier continues pulling double duty by providing the lettering for I Can Sell You A Body #2. The lettering shines when it’s time for the undead and ghosts to speak. When Denny brings the bodies back to life, Ferrier makes them vastly different than others. Instead of the words being contained, they explode out, most times being bigger than the bubbles. On a more subtle note, Ferrier portrays the ghosts’ dialogue with a green border around their dialogue. It’s a small change, yet it works perfectly.

George Kambadais’ art and colors retain the amazing quilty seen in the first issue while playing with lighting/shadow usage more. I Can Sell You A Body #1 had a few panels where Kambadais would focus on a face while casting them in a menacing light. Yet, in its second issue, he uses this technique in multiple instances that flow into regular moments as well. When Denny is visiting a “lover” at night, Kambadais paints the background pinkish with shadows forming about. This subtle lighting effect is gorgeous in its execution, making the world fill that more real.
The lighting/shadows aren’t the only places that Kambadais shines, as his art continues to be lively. Throughout I Can Sell You A Body #2, Denny and other characters don’t always stay inside of the panels. Instead, when the story calls for it, Kambadais breaks panels and backgrounds to make the pages pop to life while catching your eyes. While keeping the reader’s eyes by popping panels, the visual humor carries over from the first issue into the second. When Ferrier sets out to tell a joke, Kambadais follows through on the art side.

I Can Sell You A Body #2 retains the comedy seen in its first issue, yet not every joke lands as desired. As hilarious as some moments are if I Can Sell You A Body took itself just a tad bit more serious the story would benefit immensely. Nonetheless, the ride throughout is a fun one that readers that love dark humor can kick back and enjoy.
Memorable Quote: “FUCK!” – Denny
Throughout this one page, Denny says, “fuck” 37 times. The page is hilarious in its simplicity and humor.
What have you thought of Denny Little’s story thus far? Let us know in the usual place.